off center and totally out of balance. customer liked the layout and I got paid. Isn't that all that matters?
Puts me in mind of the time someone gave me a bench grinder. Both grinding wheels were drilled off center and totally out of balance. The label on both of them said "Finest Qualipy". True story.
Well I originally had the rungs inside the arrow but the client's dog's brother's sister wives made a teensy change. I didn't mind because they draw real good, ya know?
You should fix it for them and submit it for approval before proceeding.Got this "official" artwork today.
i dunno that there looks perty good for something from 'bama.
I did redo it. The banners are for a local company that won the award in their division. I sent her layouts this afternoon, she mentioned the logo being ugly. I told her I could clean it up some if she wanted me's what 10 minutes of time got her. Yes, I changed an organizations logo without their permission, approval, or knowlege. I have the power.
Not with that logo. She works for the roofing company that won the was a one time use project for her.