Robert Armerding
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In my lifetime, I have personally met several hundred sign makers. Most of them while I was working at Product Sign Supplies in San Jose, CA (Now owned by Glantz) Quite often they would sit down at my desk, I was the purchasing manager, and just talk about what was going on in their shop, the business side, management, and marketing. We always had what I like to describe as productive conversations.
Here, I would like to begin to share my own perspective on the sign making industry. First of all, your product influences many people every day. I like to think of it as being for the common good. Case-in-point, as I drive around in the Bay Area, I notice all of the vehicles that have your handy work.
Often, as I would ride with one of my clients, when we could go to lunch, I would hear, “We did that box truck.” Oh yes and if they saw any vehicle with their work, they would immediately point it out with a sense of pride. I enjoyed it.
So, now it is your turn. How do you feel about your work and the common good?
Here, I would like to begin to share my own perspective on the sign making industry. First of all, your product influences many people every day. I like to think of it as being for the common good. Case-in-point, as I drive around in the Bay Area, I notice all of the vehicles that have your handy work.
Often, as I would ride with one of my clients, when we could go to lunch, I would hear, “We did that box truck.” Oh yes and if they saw any vehicle with their work, they would immediately point it out with a sense of pride. I enjoyed it.
So, now it is your turn. How do you feel about your work and the common good?