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The time has come: bigger machines, now need wider tables :(


New Member
I need help saving some money on this one! I have 2 work benches that are fantastic, but they are only 4x8 along with the self healing cutting topper pieces.

Im getting a 54inch printer so my materials will be bigger and hanging off the edge after laminating, possibly curling the edges.
ive considered just buying the thinnest wood they make and just cutting it to the proper width size all the way down the table for now just to to save money
on buying expensive new benches..

anyone else been in this position? what did you do?



Active Member
There are several threads about how to build your own tables

We built our work tables, 60 x 120, they are the same height and mobile so they can used together for oversized projects
4x4 legs with casters
2x4 2nd shelf for storage under the main
3/4 MDF surface
6mm or 12mm PVC for cutting


Active Member
We have always used 3/4" MDF to make our tables. It comes 49"x97" but we rip an 11"x97" and put the two side by side to make the tabletop 60"x97". We tried self healing mats but abandoned that and just use 3mm expanded PVC to make the top surface. Cut it in pieces 48"x60" and use banner tape to stick it on the MDF. It lasts pretty long before you have to turn it over. When the second side gets scored up, throw it away and replace. They do make 5'x10' cutting mats too, but then you have to waste 2' of expensive cutting mat per table. Or make 10' long tables.


New Member
I will add a piece of plywood 12" by the length of your table, with hinges to be folded down when not needed, just make sure that you do not cut on the extended side, sand the plywood to a smooth finish, you may not spend more than $200..... that is what I am doing, my table is 48" x 120".


Go Bills!
I buy a 16' piece of lexan off a roll for my table top, the table is 4x16 but the lexan come 52". I have it butt edge on the front of the table and the extra 4" hangs off the back of the table. It stays pretty rigid. Help with the 54" material. Usually get 10ish years out of a piece before both sides are trashed beyond use.