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The words none of us want to hear!


New Member
A friend of mine who is also a musician (like me) has been using a God-awful "logo" he made for his new original band project for several months now.

It consists of an oval with lettering in it (Brush Script) with a wave effect applied.

I have had to see it nearly everyday for a few months now on his promotional posts and I finally just broke down and did something new for him (for free without being asked to) and sent him a copy in hopes I would not have to look at that other "thing" again...

Here's his response:

without being a pain in the a** and getting free artwork (cause I suck at it) any chance you could try one with the font I have been using. I think it is Brush MT script??? Love the picture, the reflection and the "hidden" skull.

Serves me right. I knew I shouldn't have wasted my time, even if it wasn't much.







Some day, I'm gonna have to break down and purchase that fancy "brushscript" font.


Active Member
Why is it that "No good deed goes unpunished"?
Some, you just cannot help no matter how bad it is needed.


New Member
I wanna see pix.
Then I will happily bludgeon him about the head and shoulders with a smoked semi-boneless ham.


New Member
Don't get mad.
People have different taste and like what they like.
Give him the font he likes .
If everyone had the same taste and liked all the same stuff , life would be real boring.
/ just my $.02

Circleville Signs

New Member
Don't get mad.
People have different taste and like what they like.
Give him the font he likes .
If everyone had the same taste and liked all the same stuff , life would be real boring.
/ just my $.02

Worst. Thought. Process. Ever.

Either someone recognizes you as a professional or they don't. It's that simple. I view myself as a professional. Just like a lawyer or doctor does. I don't presume to go to the doctor and tell HIM what to prescribe me. Why do you think it's ok for a layman to tell Doug or anyone else what they need when it comes to design?

Contrary to popular belief, design isn't about what the client "likes". It is about what will effectively and efficiently do the job it is intended to do.


New Member
Worst. Thought. Process. Ever.

Either someone recognizes you as a professional or they don't. It's that simple. I view myself as a professional. Just like a lawyer or doctor does. I don't presume to go to the doctor and tell HIM what to prescribe me. Why do you think it's ok for a layman to tell Doug or anyone else what they need when it comes to design?

Contrary to popular belief, design isn't about what the client "likes". It is about what will effectively and efficiently do the job it is intended to do.

This is a great post! Unfortunately, I think even many sign professionals don't take this seriously.

I understand, some clients just want it a certain way and won't listen to our advice, but I think we owe it to them as professionals to at least offer our advice in a friendly and helpful way.


New Member
we will help you. "put the Brush Script away, it is a horrid font that makes anyone with a brain throw up. There are other fonts out there that are equally bad such as Old English all upper case and Comic Sans so before you go there, don't. people like us laugh at people who use Brush Script the way you would laugh at a guy wearing black socks and sandals. listen to your friend, he is there to help"

other can add to this and then you can show it to him like an intervention or you could just let Jill club him with a ham:Big Laugh


New Member
we will help you. "put the Brush Script away, it is a horrid font that makes anyone with a brain throw up. There are other fonts out there that are equally bad such as Old English all upper case and Comic Sans so before you go there, don't. people like us laugh at people who use Brush Script the way you would laugh at a guy wearing black socks and sandals. listen to your friend, he is there to help"

other can add to this and then you can show it to him like an intervention or you could just let Jill club him with a ham:Big Laugh

Now that would be a great video:Big Laugh


Premium Subscriber
While I understand your pain and dis-belief.... I think there are many more fonts far worse than Brush in this world. Personally, I use Brush on occasion to help a layout, but never use it as a main focal line of copy or in a name or just something important. It basically might be an interjected font, to create an emphasis on an un-important group of words or numbers.

But really, rather than chastise Brush and Comic Sans.... how 'bout......

  • Curls
  • Arial
  • Courier
  • Non-connecting scripts
  • Bank Gothic
  • Viner Hand
    ............just to name a few before I got sick and threw up :corndog:

I don't know if the fonts you guys are talking about are truly bad fonts.... or people just using them in a bad fashion or at the wrong time.


New Member
Worst. Thought. Process. Ever.

Either someone recognizes you as a professional or they don't. It's that simple. I view myself as a professional. Just like a lawyer or doctor does. I don't presume to go to the doctor and tell HIM what to prescribe me. Why do you think it's ok for a layman to tell Doug or anyone else what they need when it comes to design?

Contrary to popular belief, design isn't about what the client "likes". It is about what will effectively and efficiently do the job it is intended to do.

Gary, I think I love you.


Premium Subscriber
Here is the 'Ugly Font' bird. He sees all and knows all. He's ugly, but I'm sure there is someone out there that might love him...............


  • Ugly font bird.jpg
    Ugly font bird.jpg
    257.7 KB · Views: 95


New Member
Worst. Thought. Process. Ever.

Either someone recognizes you as a professional or they don't. It's that simple. I view myself as a professional. Just like a lawyer or doctor does. I don't presume to go to the doctor and tell HIM what to prescribe me. Why do you think it's ok for a layman to tell Doug or anyone else what they need when it comes to design?

Contrary to popular belief, design isn't about what the client "likes". It is about what will effectively and efficiently do the job it is intended to do.

Couldn't have said it better myself. :goodpost:


New Member
Here is the 'Ugly Font' bird. He sees all and knows all. He's ugly, but I'm sure there is someone out there that might love him...............

OMG, he is so cute! I would so love to have a bird like that. I'd name him Chuck and he and I would be be pals and I'd take him everywhere on a nice little pink leash...I guess you're right....