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think this is custom?


New Member
I already "re-created" it for their new name but am now wondering, after seeing the font genius's here at work, if this is a font or was custom designed.


  • Autow Rescue.jpg
    Autow Rescue.jpg
    33.4 KB · Views: 186


Premium Subscriber
Looks like it was hand drawn, but the bottom is Eurostyle.

Anyway, what is the word ?? I can't figure it out. Does the falling car represent a character ??


Premium Subscriber
I be believe it is supposed to be an "i" and it says Caliper.

I was kinda leaning that way myself, but I thought the first letter was a 'G'....:ROFLMAO:

Note to the OP.......rather than trying to mimic this thing.... why don't you suggest a fresh start with something everyone can read in America.


New Member
OMG thank you for the laughs and I may just show these posts to the owner, who would not listen to me when I even showed him some preliminary sketches of a more readable letter style. He loves his "falling" car (supposed to be a car in a tow position btw) and that crappy font. Believe me, I tried because the new name is twice as long but he loves it and PAID for it. I told him not to tell anyone who did it for him though.

And it's not an "I". It's kind of a hyphen as it was two names put together *rolls eyes*