Still want a DTG printer?
I have an Anajet MP10 printer for sale. It retails for $38,000 but we are asking $25,000 OBO. It has printed well sometimes, other times we're on the phone with tech replacing parts or trouble shooting. We were sold a ready to go workhorse that turned out to be a high maintenance, finicky piece of equipment we no longer have the patience for. By maintenance I mean regular daily maintenance (not a big deal) AND regularly replacing parts or trying new parts they have improved (not what we signed up for). It is a machine that is a work in progress. Tech is helpful, and very nice, but it is not the great solution to garment printing we were sold. Expect to give it a lot of time and attention to get any kind of results. The shirts we printed have held up reasonably well, I have washed and dried the ones we made for our own use and they are still fine. If you have researched it, and still believe DTG printing is for you, this machine is a great savings over new. Ours is able to be demonstrated if you wanted to come to our facility in Joplin, MO. Call Jeff at 417-782-7291 if interested!