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Thoughts. Ideas. Critique.


New Member
So - we're starting a new branch for our company that is focused a little bit more on the "whole package" philosophy. I was going for a really clean, "eco", "green", friendly, approachable, professional type of design.

So let's hear it.:covereyes:

What is horrible. What's good. What would YOU do? I'm a big boy and can take the critique. Thank you in advance for your honesty!



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Premium Subscriber
Other than I don't know what shadon is.... I like the one without the shadon............. :thumb:


New Member
LoL! Just noticed that...We were going to use all 3 versions. No shadow for just die cut vinyl graphics. Hard shadow for applicable die cut applications - and full blurred SHADON (LoL) for printing.

Sorry for the confusion....


New Member
NEVER... NEVER name your company after anything that has major exposure like a magazine. You'll never have success online because search engines will pay glory to the magazine when people search for you.


New Member
You're gonna have to be real careful using that name.
Regular people won't care but sign folks are gonna pick it apart.


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New Member
Thank you all for all of your input. I do like the name NW Sign Crafters. We were originally going to go with that name, but it seemed a bit long. (I know it's only 3 more letters, it just looked wrong on the design.) - But maybe I just needed to work the design better/switch fonts/etc. And then I started thinking along the lines of Jill - that nobody who I'd most likely be selling to would have heard of the magazine. But what I didn't take into consideration was SEO. Not to the degree I should have, anyway. So. Back to the thinking table...Then maybe off to the drawing board again. ?? I dunno.

Either way - I do appreciate the input and your concerns.

(Do you think the whole SEO thing may actually work to my advantage - being placed up there with them? Even if I am 3,4,5,6 down on the list? - Just a debatable thought?)