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Thoughts on this one...

Ursta Graphics

New Member
I think I may be over thinking this one.

The client came in wanting a more "old fashioned" design for their accounting service but the old english style fonts had to stay...

This is what I have so far.

This will be a printed background, die cut with engine turned gold overlays.

Looking for thoughts on any tweaks it may need?




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New Member

I would alternate some bright yellow into the tagline and sub tagline to break up the text and improve readability just a tad. Another less ornate panel for the taglines might help draw more attention to the headline text too.

Obviously, we don't have to tell you that it looks FABULOUS! ;) I love your stuff!

Cheers! Bryan


New Member
I love it! Especially the radial gradient, center to edge.

The only "negative" thing that popped out to me was the use of the "scales of justice". Maybe it's different in your area, but around here they imply the practice of law, not taxes or bookkeeping.

But it may be appropriate if they are viewed differently in the east.

Overall, Bravo!


New Member
Too many clashing decorative fonts.
Keep the Old English style one they insist on, unless you can change it to LHF Stratford.
Then make all the other copy different weights of LHF Stevens Percepta.
That will keep it classy and dignified.
...and don't squish "associates".


New Member
Closing up the graphics top and below the headline might give it more cohesion. Like this attachment. Rather than the scales just floating free, they now form a part of the logo as a whole. :)

Love your style my friend! B. :cool:


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Active Member
The only "negative" thing that popped out to me was the use of the "scales of justice". Maybe it's different in your area, but around here they imply the practice of law, not taxes or bookkeeping.

I was thinking the same thing and at first thought it was a law practice, but I still like the overall design myself.


New Member
good idea- looks rich

The fonts are perfect. I would drop the red vertical background lines. They are distracting and off center to the top circle logo.
Keep the top circle logo but drop the scales of justice. Insert a pen with vertical bar graph background. The top circle logo is definitely the center of interest and the eye travels well to the title and subtitles. Maybe a scalloped corner border around the edge of the sign to contrast the dark background. I am interested in seeing your approved and finished product. It looks awesome so far.

Ursta Graphics

New Member
It's been quite a while but I finally got pictures of this job finished up. Thanks for the suggestions. The client was happy with the end results.


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