Why are you making the JD larger? I think it interferes with the flow.
If you have to make it larger, I would stack it on top of Construction, lose the hammer and put the saw blade over top.
I'd actually make a completely different icon than a hammer or saw, which have both been done to death. Or use no icon.
Nice layout.
I HATE trying to build logos out of business names with initials.
Who ever thought thought it was a good idea to name your business with initials anyway? Horrible idea. Not very original or memorable.
Saturday rant over.
i like the one at the bottom
Here's a quickie suggestion.
What happens if you turn the hammer around?
I'm not a wood worker, or a construction worker...but my eye wants the blade flipped the other way for some reason. You read left to right...and that is the direction the board would travel into the teeth of a table saw.
Yes, a circular saw it's just the opposite, but I'd still like to see it the other way.
Not a fan of the font. It's a good design, I like it, but think the font needs to be different for the name.