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Toby....my dog needs to be put down....:(

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New Member
Feeling your sorrows here, too. Had to put our dog of 11 yrs down for the same reason. They found a tumor in her shoulder. Got a second opinion with more x-rays and they showed more spots on her liver, stomach and back leg.

Got some pain pills for her while we made the decision. Decided we didn't want to have her leg cut off only so she could live for a few more months.

The night before the day, we bought the biggest, thickest steak, cooked it on the grill, diced it up and it was her last meal.

One of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Took two years to even want another dog, but we have another great one again.

Hang in man.



New Member
Sorry man. I feel your pain. We had a shop dog named Toby (White Lab) until '98 or so... Old age eventually caught up to him.
We used his name on all sales materials and tradeshows (even badges) so when anyone called the shop and asked for Toby the usual reply was 'Uh, let me look I'm sure he's sleeping under a bench around here somehwere'.
To this day, we still get the occasional phone call for toby. And he has a window film print portrait on our front entry.
There was the one bad memory of his passing, but there are alot of great memories! Bestest beer drinkin', mouse chasin, smilin dog ever.


New Member
Where To Bury A Dog

There are various places within which a dog may be buried. We are thinking now of a setter, whose coat was flame in the sunshine, and who, so far as we are aware, never entertained a mean or an unworthy thought. This setter is buried beneath a cherry tree, under four feet of garden loam, and at its proper season the cherry strews petals on the green lawn of his grave. Beneath a cherry tree, or an apple, or any flowering shrub of the garden, is an excellent place to bury a good dog. Beneath such trees, such shrubs, he slept in the drowsy summer, or gnawed at a flavorous bone, or lifted head to challenge some strange intruder. These are good places, in life or in death. Yet it is a small matter, and it touches sentiment more than anything else.

For if the dog be well remembered, if sometimes he leaps through your dreams actual as in life, eyes kindling, questing, asking, laughing, begging, it matters not at all where that dog sleeps at long and at last. On a hill where the wind is unrebuked and the trees are roaring, or beside a stream he knew in puppyhood, or somewhere in the flatness of a pasture land, where most exhilarating cattle graze. It is all one to the dog, and all one to you, and nothing is gained, and nothing lost -- if memory lives. But there is one best place to bury a dog. One place that is best of all.

If you bury him in this spot, the secret of which you must already have, he will come to you when you call -- come to you over the grim, dim frontiers of death, and down the well-remembered path, and to your side again. And though you call a dozen living dogs to heel they should not growl at him, nor resent his coming, for he is yours and he belongs there.

People may scoff at you, who see no lightest blade of grass bent by his footfall, who hear no whimper pitched too fine for mere audition, people who may never really have had a dog. Smile at them then, for you shall know something that is hidden from them, and which is well worth the knowing.

The one best place to bury a good dog is in the heart of his master.

by Ben Hur Lampman

My dog "Lucky" died this year. He was 18 years old and a very big part of my life. My heart goes out to you.


New Member
Sorry to hear about this...growing up dogs dying was just a part of life...getting blamed for eating chickens that they didn't, my dad drank alot and shot several of my dogs.


New Member
I feel for you! It's tough when you know your on the last days with your best friend. Cherish every moment...
Sorry to hear about your dog. We went through this in Sept. It is not an easy decision to make. If you have any other dogs let them see the body. They can except dead much better than a human. If they see the dead body they will know what happened, other wise they are in the dark & don't know what happened

Dave Drane

New Member
Hey man, I am so,sad to read all this. When my bird died I made a cross out of really thick acryllic so the termites wouldn't eat it and found the best place where I thought he would be happy to be buried. It is under the plants where he overlooked and sat and looked over the balcony and I look at it very often and think of him. He was 16 years old and for a bird that is old he is in the garden and where I can still see his cross.


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New Member
Well today was the day... I just got back from the vet. Toby lived another 4 days and we spoiled her as much as we could with steak, chicken, turkey and her favorite...Turkey bacon. She actually seemed great on Sunday and the wife and I packed her up and took her to the Mill Pond for a nice leisurely long walk. I kept thinking...she's back and maybe she can last a couple more months...but today my wife called and told me she was having trouble standing and just sort of squat down anywhere she could. We made the call and set up the appointment and I went home to a bawling wife and grabbed her leash and off we went to the vet.
The girls at the vets office were so upset and we all sat in the examination room with her and comforted her and everything went well and she fell off into lala land within seconds.
i feel I did the right thing although I keep thinking of the other day and how alive she had become....
all good things come to an end I guess.

Thanks for all the well wishes, I am going to show my wife this thread.


New Member
It's crazy how tough animals can be. Upbeat to the very end. I feel sad for you and your wife but i know what you are going through. I tell you ... This way was the best way it could have gone.

Feel good about how well you treated this dog and how you gave it a good life! Time will ease the pain for sure and what will be left is wonderful memories...


Premium Subscriber
Yeah, Baz is right.

You did the right thing. It's so much better remembering her this way then waiting til the last minute. This way she wasn't a burden to anyone and you'll always see her enjoying those meals, the fun and that long walk.


New Member
i feel I did the right thing although I keep thinking of the other day and how alive she had become....
all good things come to an end I guess.

You DID do the right thing... your last day together was beautiful!
the longer you waited, the more likely your were to have sad and maybe more painful day for Toby.
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New Member
So sorry for you. We have a wonderful, sweet 15 year old beagle buried in the front yard. We had to do the same as you when he got cancer. We have no kids and he was our "boy". You did the right thing, as hard as it is.


New Member
So sorry for your loss.

You had a great final weekend together, that's some comfort.

In time, only the happy memories will remain but boy, I know how it hurts.


New Member
Everyone of us dog lovers shares your pain Gabagoo...I am truly sorry for your loss and my thoughts are with you!

GG...Thanks for sharing that story...it was quite touching!


New Member
so sorry that you have lost your buddy. pets bring so much into our lives and leave us all to soon. my husband grew up on a farm and animals were for food or for farm pets, then we got together. I have always had a way of picking out the strangest of the strange when it comes to adopted cats. I found a little guy who was the runt of the litter and was born with only one eye. this cat was so cool to be with. he was smart and when you were with him, you felt like you were with a being equal to your self. my hubby experienced his first time love of a pet with "Habs" and they did all kinds of things together. he died back in Feb of 2007 and we had him cremated. to this day, he still is in our living room as my hubby misses him and isn't ready to put him out of sight so we have a little tiny wooden box with photos of Habs on it. we now have three cats and he has fallen in love with what he calls his cat. it is a joy to experience a closeness with another creature and when they leave us, it is so sad. just know that you made those years as wonderful for your Toby as she made those years wonderful for you.
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