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too much snow to go to work?


New Member
There is about 5" of snow on the roads here and I haven't had a customer all day. I figured it would be slow, but not dead. I am just wondering how deep the snow has to be for you to decide to go back to bed, and not to open your doors for the day.


New Member
If there is the slightest chance of a snowflake around here, schools are delayed, if not closed. And they announce it before anything falls. 5"? This town would be shut down for a week.

Today, it's around 70 degrees. Expecting storms tonight. The high Thursday is in the 30s, I think.


New Member
Our city is surrounded by white-out conditions everywhere right now... we have had awful weather since Halloween.


New Member
Around here, less then an inch.

That's just cause everyone flips out when the pavement isn't dry and starts driving 10mph everywhere.
Yeah unless were getting a foot an hour its a perfect day to go in and get caught up on stuff and mabey close early once everything is caught up.


New Member
The snow would have to have buried my house, making it impossible to leave.

Ice on the other hand... Slow I can do. Dangerous I won't. Luckily I now walk to work though, so even that doesn't really factor in anymore.


Active Member
If there is the slightest chance of a snowflake around here, schools are delayed, if not closed. And they announce it before anything falls. 5"? This town would be shut down for a week.

Today, it's around 70 degrees. Expecting storms tonight. The high Thursday is in the 30s, I think.

Pretty much the same thing here.


New Member
I guess you guys don't get many blizzards in New Mexico huh?

5 inches is a baby snowstorm here lol.....that's when you just flick the "4x4" switch and step on it.

Love getting snow....it's fun driving through that stuff!

We don't get much snow out here but I did't think anyone would care about 5 inches. Most people have 4x4s out here anyway. It's odd seeing the road so empty.


New Member
when schools and malls close, so do we. back in the late 1990's when the big ice storm hit the area, we got caught off guard and it was a nightmare getting us all home OK. no sense in risking our lives as it is just work and it will be there after the storm.


New Member
Honestly I have never had a snow day in my life. One day when I was in high school it was -44 Celsius with a windchill of -59 celsius and we went to school. Can't be outside and can't breathe the air cause it hurts the lungs, but we still had school.


New Member
If you don't have proper tires then it can be really dangerous. Snow is no big deal up here but i can see it wreaking havoc down south.


Premium Subscriber
Honestly I have never had a snow day in my life. One day when I was in high school it was -44 Celsius with a windchill of -59 celsius and we went to school. Can't be outside and can't breathe the air cause it hurts the lungs, but we still had school.

You walked up hill to and fro school about 4 miles each way, too..... huh ?? :rolleyes:

CP Signs

New Member
Baz, the good thing for you guys,,,, snow tires are mandatory. On my side of the bridge they are not. So many still don't buy them.


New Member
It's 65 here in Chicago today and thunder storms, if and when it will snow this year would have to be alot of snow for me to be closed.


Premium Subscriber
Besides doing donuts and just plain having fun in the snow, I'm glad when we get a lot of snow because it really does hurt the bug population.

It also keeps a lot of undesirables inside hibernating and our crimes go down in bad weather. :thumb: