"No diving allowed. Both feet first.
As you are learning you will find that there will be some "smacking of the head", if you were to dive. With the "feet first" approach you will find that you will some time to reflect on what, where, when and why."
So, does that go WHAT was I thinking? WHERE am I going with this? WHEN will I begin to work fluidly with all of this? and WHY did I just jump off that cliff?:Big Laugh
Well said. I'm just now resurfacing from just a portion of the lynda tutorial on GoLive as was suggested to me earlier. WOW! There's a lot to learn, but the attitude is in check and I don't feel TOO overwhelmed.
Yeah, I know. You guys must be thinking, "I thought he was working on CS2PS." I am, only thing is, as I'm transitioning into becoming the owner of my business, part of the agreement between myself and my soon-to-be ex partner is that I help him get his website off the ground. He has a designer working on the foundation of it but really likes what I did for his brochures and flyers. He wants me to try and keep the same "look" on the web versions of those documents. With CS2 having GoLive in it, I'm trying to take a crash course in it as well. But, get this. The web designer he hired runs Dreamweaver; I'm a little nervous about how my pages I build are going to import into DW. The forum guys at the Adobe website have been very helpful though; I'll get through it.
Thanks again!!