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tow signage


New Member
Ok... since seems I'm getting bashed by every tom dick and hairyet on here lol... think things are being confused. I make signs all the time... just printing out bs signs is not what I'm doing, my idiot boss wants me to be able to make custom NO PARKING & TOWING signs... I have templates of just about every major street sign out there. What was trying to find (and seems everyone knows everything EXCEPT for what I asked about) was for the parking/towing signs that ARE NOT in the sign template sites... either that or the font to use to make the custom signs. Its not hard to make the damn signs, I'm just trying to make them look like the normal signs. I work w/ vectors everday (got bout 20gigs worth) and do know how to remake .jpgs into signs, but they dont always come out the way you want that way, and if have the actual font... dont have to worry bout it and can do customs. Seems went from a simple vector/font question... to pissing in everyones post toasties... wow lol

have these:


  • fresh-free-icons-202.jpg
    278.6 KB · Views: 152
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New Member
I just read this whole thread, and I'm even more confused now as to what you want them before. You have everything you need to make them, and you are looking for templates because your boss wants you to? If your "idiot boss" wants you to make "custom" signs...how would a template fall into this situation? I'm just not sure how you use a template for a custom design.


New Member
"Its not hard to make the damn signs, I'm just trying to make them look like the normal signs. I work w/ vectors everday (got bout 20gigs worth) and do know how to remake .jpgs into signs, but they dont always come out the way you want that way, and if have the actual font... dont have to worry bout it and can do customs. Seems went from a simple vector/font question..."

Are you sure that you're in the right business?


New Member
these are the signs that I'm looking for... size isnt a problem if have a vector template..
I have Corel on the work comp -never use it, I use Photoshop & Illustrator as my primary progs. I'm trying to find the templates and/or the fonts...

The font is Humanist...the rest I woudl just draw or trace. This would take me minutes to set up. And once they're done...voila...you have them forever. Grab a cup of coffee and get to it! :Coffee:
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New Member
since they are custom, just make the them. you can see what the format others have used is as you posted them, how hard is it to just set your own signs? you can't type into a computer "CUSTOMER PARKING..."? you have the programs.

surf city

New Member
Ok for me "custom" and "template" really don't mix. And the font part throws me as to what you are trying to do. You obviously have plenty of referance material judging from your last post. What I am getting from you is more of a "what should the sign say" kinda of feeling. The "custom" part I am guessing is where the wording is going to come in or the layout. I think you or your boss is making this a more difficult task than it needs to be. I mean you have sign shapes and fonts, make a damn sign man, this just seems all to basic to me. I make tow signs frequently, usually they include some kind of town ordinance number etc. I do have a friend who owns a building and he keeps requesting me to make signs for the 5 handicap spaces that say "Hey F***o don't even think about it unless your really handicapped". Now that would be a custom sign. All that keeps popping in to my head is " And remember I'm not really a sign guy but, I play one on TV." Just my thoughts sorry if it offends anyone.
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New Member
I work w/ vectors everday (got bout 20gigs worth)

How many of those 20gb's worth of vectors did YOU draw?

I would have taken you less time to redraw the tow truck thing with the bezier tool than it took you to post this stupid thread about how to draw a rectangle and type some text.

If you have to go to a forum and ask how to draw a rectange, stick in some clipart, and type some text then you need to surrender your squeegee and mouse and get a job cutting peeing calvin decals at the fleamarket. You probably already have the art.

Pro Image

New Member
If you cant make a simple signs like the ones you posted from scratch you need to quit your job and let your BOSS find a better person to make signs......

Hell use Arial BOLD.......Its a nice block font....and I know you have it.......

So sad....So sad.......


New Member
Page 6-11 has the symbol you need.
You could use the free Blue Highway font someone mentioned earlier.
Figure out what size you need, make an outline with the correct radius corners, use the symbol, use the font.
It is really not complicated at all.

Thank you Jillbeans... Blue Highway is the closest to font as I'm going to get... this is ALL I needed. The reason was talking about vectors or templates is that some come w/ fonts.. With the correct font can make the signs basic or custom and keep the font the same style as public signs... If had the basics as vectors -can just leave them that way, w/ the font can keep the font looking the same when do the custom... smh at the people that came onto this posting just to bash me.. sorry that I've seem to pissed so many people off looking for simple set up vectors/fonts -wow at how many people just want to be mad at others


New Member
If you cant make a simple signs like the ones you posted from scratch you need to quit your job and let your BOSS find a better person to make signs......

Hell use Arial BOLD.......Its a nice block font....and I know you have it.......

So sad....So sad.......


New Member
... Blue Highway is the closest to font as I'm going to get... this is ALL I needed.

Not quite. The actual fonts used in compliant traffic signs is Highway Gothic Series B,C,D,E or EM and the Clearview Highway font family per the MUTCD.




Here is the FHWA Standard Highway signs manual for your "templates"




Premium Subscriber
I don’t think there’s anyone here that is pissed at you or even bashing you, but rather pointing out your mistakes and trying to make things easier for you. You, on the other hand, cop an attitude and get all bent out-a-shape and think you’re causing some unrest for the others here, by mentioning we’re pissing in your cereal. How self-centered is that ??

It appears that you can’t relay what you really want or need, therefore contributing even further to your own problems. When confronted with the errors of your ways… you go on to even make it more abundantly clear that you haven’t a clue as to what you’re doing by bashing the very people that might help you with any future problems. Stick with what’s right in front of your face and disregard your behavior and all things will pass in time…. I guess.

I believe there is a definite problem with people bashing each other here, at home and on the streets. It’s quite apparent that today’s society or mentality is short fused and belittling others feeds these people, but if you think your questions or attitude is enough to piss these fine 101-ers off…. believe me… there’s been many through here that are far better at ruining themselves then you have displayed.


New Member
If you are referring to private property tow signs, I don't believe there is a regulation on font. Please refer to your State or Local vehicle code.

In general, they specs minimum sign dimension, letter height, content and posting guides.

We use helvetical family for these signs, and do have template in house for these semi-custom parking signs. They are really easy to create. That is why other posters are trying to point out to you.


New Member
yep, he can make them any way he wants for a private towing biz... they just want them to look "real".

I think the OP got bashed a bit because he was looking for a template for a rectangle with text in it. Essentially just being a little lazy is all. Once he had the towing pictogram from the MUTCD site (which is easy enough to redraw) the rest is just text in a box.

Wasn't there some guy that wanted some circle templates last year!?


New Member
I'll bet someone could market sign templates for the less creative or ambitious folks. I guess it's the next step, they've had it for desktop publishing for a while now.


New Member
I'll bet someone could market sign templates for the less creative or ambitious folks.

my Gerber Omega comes with a complete library of these signs. I've only used it a couple of times as I usually set my own copy and just need the little graphics some times.


New Member
OP, he works for the owner of the company. More than likely a graphic artist who was hired because the owner knows very little about sign making.


New Member
gnemmas hit it.

The "we tow" type signs have to meet local regulations as to what copy has to be on the signs as well as the size of the letters plus where on the property they have to be placed as well as the number of signs needed. Local regulation usually means state code in most instances. We make the signs and let the towing co. worry about placement. Normally, we just screen print on a real estate blank. That gives enough area for all the required copy w/o crowding. Never used reflective as those guys are too cheap to pay for that.

I have never seen a reg. that specifies a typeface but understand the desire to make it look "official" but there is no real need for that as long as they are properly placed and meets code.