To be a professional requires hands on time. He needs an apprenticeship in a production shop. But that is hard to find.
Wrapping is just part of the trade. And it's a fad. In some markets it's already dying out.
To do a young person justice, he should be directed to learn the entire trade so that he can grow into it.
This is good advice. He needs to learn as much of the trade as possible to ensure his long term employment and prospects.
He has to try and learn as much as he can about every facet of the industry. It is almost impossible to be an expert at everything in our trade, but he can try his best to get at least a basic understanding of all facets and he will be all the more valuable to potential employers.
I have a son apprenticed at our shop at the moment and he started from the broom up. I wouldn't have it any other way.
The wrap industry will contract. The way things are going is there will be more wrap installers than there is work for them and they'll have to start installing cut vinyl to vehicles and digital print to walls, boards and shopfronts etc as well as wraps. It won't be hard for them to adapt but it might not be as 'glamourous'. The bonus is that it will make them more valuable to employers.
If you have been in the sign industry long enough your gut feeling will tell you what will go and what will stay.
I'm no Nostradamus, but having had two grandfathers, three uncles, a father, two brothers, two nephews and two sons in the sign industry you get a feel for these things.
I started on brushes 40 years ago. My father likes electronics. He was always reading electronics magazines and always telling me "This won't last forever. Things are going to change. They'll have a sheet of sticky back vinyl and cut it out with a computer. There's LEDs too, all they need to do is make a white one and there goes the neon and light bulb industry. They'll print signs too, with big printers - just print it out. There'll be no film either, records and tapes will probably disappear and it won't be long."
If I stuck to my brushes and didn't learn as much as possible about the sign industry, learn things that I didn't really like at the time and adapt to new technologies I'd probably be driving a bus.