This may change soon...
I read this week of a major court case that concluded and may very well change the way that EULA and licensing of all software is handled from here on. Autodesk was pursuing a lawsuit against an individual who had purchased several valid copies and licenses of their software, but was selling them online without direct permission from Autodesk. Autodesk claimed that this was a breach of the licensing agreement as they claim purchasing a license entitles the USE of the software, not the ownership of it. And the use of the license is non-transferable.
However, the supreme court thought differently, their ruling stating that software that is purchased has the rights of ownership passed on to the purchaser meaning they can do what they want with it if they pay for the software.
It will be a little while till the effects of that court ruling will really make an impact on software licensing, but it will make a big difference in the long run.