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Tritium sign disposal


Very Active Signmaker
Noareal likes to be treated when you whisper Spanish curse words into his ear... Gino likes when you feed him pumpkins.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
I said: "From what I read, Tritium signs aren't hazardous. I wonder why they have so much regulation."

Now I have you and Gino piling on me. You called me a "shop goon". Gino said "...you don't tend to be thorough in doing your homework. Is this a product or something left over from your early learning days ??"

You two are clearly still angry. You could have said "Well, I guess the EPA thinks that they are hazardous enough to warrant special handling, even if they aren't dangerous in most cases. Probably a CYA thing, but it's the law, what are we gonna do?", but instead you launch into "I don't know what in the world you read in order to get your info on things" and then try to turn it into a fight.

I don't want to fight with you. Can we please just treat each other the way we would like to be treated?
I didn't say you were the shop goon, I asked a question. "or the shop goon (is that you?)" See how that works?
To be quite honest, I like for people to point out when I am wrong. That is how I learn things and make them actually stick. Learning is good for your brain and that is a proven fact.


Premium Subscriber
Personally, I don't really care what you think I taste like..... in fact, that's about a second grade level kid talking. I don't know if you think it's wit on your end or some kinda innuendo of sorts, but you have very weak communication skills, not to mention your debating technique. I mentioned the lousy homework assignment as a joke, due to your attempt to tell us not to help the school system which must've missed you in school since you went to private schools.

No one is picking a fight, but you continue to throw mud at the fan and you must have it in reverse, as you are the one slinging it and receiving it at the same time. You write what's in your head, but it comes out either wrong or totally misunderstood with your sly little comments. You do quite a bit of backpedaling and changing meanings that you musta purposely used to go either way, but actually insinuated wrongly.

Yeah, the quote I posted was from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I guess I was taking them at their word when they said "The signs pose little or no threat to public health and safety or security." and "If inhaled, it leaves the body relatively quickly."

...but what would they know about regulating nuclear material?

That alone is loaded with double entendres. Do you agree ??


New Member
tires aren't inherently dangerous either, but we don't just simply toss em in the dumpster. agreed that red tape sucks, but I'd rather not be the guy cutting checks for fines when I get caught in the act.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I don't want to fight with you. Can we please just treat each other the way we would like to be treated?
Just a spectator here, but when someone corrects you when you are wrong, that doesn't equate to "starting a fight". It's simply clarifying for the rest of the class that Mr. Jockey only read part of the book, and is reporting only on half facts. And if you can't tell the whole story, you may want to rethink posting half truths or you will get called on it.

Signarama Jockey

New Member
Just a spectator here, but when someone corrects you when you are wrong, that doesn't equate to "starting a fight". It's simply clarifying for the rest of the class that Mr. Jockey only read part of the book, and is reporting only on half facts. And if you can't tell the whole story, you may want to rethink posting half truths or you will get called on it.
What exactly did I get wrong?


Arial - it's almost helvetica
Signarama, conflict spurs creativity. I've never learned anything by finding someone to agree with me. So I debate or argue to find out what I may have overlooked. I even argue with myself so don't take it personal. Read this, it's interesting


Premium Subscriber
yeah right. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sly grin.jpg


New Member
.... to get back a little on topic- or a different squirrel chase at least. Tritium is not very dangerous to humans, in-general. everything from the NRC was correct, all the other health issues are risk based and probably knee-jerk litigation. I have family who was/is in the nuclear industry. Their belief as to why the commercial tritium is controlled so tightly has more to do with how difficult it is to isolate tritium when compared to the end results of someone trying to collect fussile material to place in the center of a chunk of fissile material making an even bigger boom that would be very bad for humans.

anything pertaining to nuclear has a bad public image and regulations seems to fly -whether or not they pass the silly test. all other regulation just snowballed from this. (another squirrel chase - the MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, had to change its name to be used with the general public.. "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging" tended to scare a lot of people - even though the name is exactly what is happening... Nothing to do with nuclear chemistry, it just shakes the nuclei of the atoms and measures how much force it takes... but the public is afraid of anything "nuclear")


Working among the Corporate Lizard People
I didn't know there were these glow in the dark Exit signs... and that they had radiation. Ya learn something new everyday.
I never saw them knowing what they were or how they glowed, but there were plenty in government buildings that were built through the 70s. I probably had at least one or busted ones in my bedroom from tear a down rebuild project that was a secret CIA (SIS or something) or something base in the 50s as well as a girl's school.

DL Signs

Never go against the family
End of the day, they're still regulated by a ton of three initial agencies who love to meet their budget by handing out fines no one can afford. Just turn em' over to a waste handler, pass the cost on to the customer, put the paperwork in a file so you can show you did your legal obligation, and call it a day.