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Trivia Time


New Member
Whoever can come up with the correct answer first I will send them a Rapidtac tee shirt, hat and sample pack of our products.

What military aircraft is using RapidTac products in the assembly of there aircraft?


New Member
F35 Lightening II Stealth Fighter
And we Have a WINNER..........

After rigorous testing by Lockheed Martin we met there adhisive promotion goals.
Since then we have been supplying RapidTac products to them for the past 6 years.

Congratulation Zoogee send me an email at Wayne@rapidtac.com I will get them on there way please include your mailing address and shirt size.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I kinda cheated, and found this


Dammit, I wanted me a rapidtac T and mug.
But that's pretty friggin cool that your product is used on the ultimate multirole fighter. Wait, that thing's production is pretty secretive. China is going to be reading this thread and analyzing rapid tac to reverse engineer the stealth coating that rapid tac doesn't degrade.


DIY Printer Fixing Guide
Funny, people ask on here sometimes if it’s OK to put vinyl on a plane. Think that question got answered.
When customers ask me what they should use I always just tell them to call 3M or Arlon or something. I don't want to risk telling them the wrong thing!


New Member
When customers ask me what they should use I always just tell them to call 3M or Arlon or something. I don't want to risk telling them the wrong thing!
Ya i would to. Dont want to crash a plane because the vinyl failed. athough years ago i read somewhere they were wrapping airplanes.