Ya know, the funny/sad part is... I know this thread was rather crude and below the belt. Does that make it untrue..... or wrong ?? Not in my book. When someone continuously lies to you and others and uses excuses that a 1st grader could do better.... it sucks. I don't like being the brunt of his/her antics. Sweeping something under the rug is not how one gets through life, let alone business. There are many people here that have changed my mind on how I see things or even view others personally. It takes time and trust between two parties. I've witnessed many relationships that started out shaky, but eventually you both come around.... or it just fizzles out.
Addie has not shown any remorse for his actions, let alone and sort of admission. To me, that is wrong. I don't make any rules here or anywhere else, but I do have rules in which I live my life and I have very few regrets. However, his constant failure to honor honest questions, evasion of details, attempt to place blame elsewhere and finally..... just plain arrogant deception is just too much to accept from ANY member here.
Sure, I said from day one that I disliked brokers and for many reasons that I've expressed here and in PM's and phone calls from those of you asking.... including Addie himself. Still he tries to be something he is not.... an honest bloke.
Does it matter to me that he uses Fred as still yet another excuse to make others think he's on the level ?? Who cares who he talks to ??
Am I seeking him out to hurt him ?? Nope.
I set this thread up, so he could come clean and possibly set the record straight on a few different counts, but he missed the boat again. If any of you consider this a calling out or Cyber Bullying, that's your own interpretation...... it's merely as originally stated in the opening statements. He's forever taking things off their mark and ruining threads for others. If you all like it, good, but this was really a chance for Addie in my opinion. I'm willing to work things out with anyone.... anytime and to boot if he doesn't want to with me... at least with the rest of you.
As for fmg.... you can stop kissing up. This place is about business and grownups and there's really no place for pissed off attitudes such as you're sporting. If you think you bother me with your little snide remarks, you're sadly mistaken. As already being discussed, there are quite a few people on this site that would like to help and believe their fellow member here, but how is that possible when you goodie goodie two-shoe people huddle together and make crap up and then try to shove it down others throats and then rely on saying as your proof with absolutely no back up ??
Anyway, like Addie, I just got back from work and need to go because I have a hot dinner date.
See ya later Addie........ oh yeah, that's what I thought was so odd, that you would send me something from so far away. Guess you never heard of doing business with people around the globe. We have customers from coast to coast and in many other countries.
It's a very small world Addie and it's not good to purposely make enemies unless you can afford it.
Addie, I see you already started changing some of your posts. What are you feeling, now that you forgot you used that one excuse. I can't believe you just said the same thing again and said you didn't believe the e-mail was yours. You got some internal problems there, kiddo.