Hello folks, I haven't hand lettered for 20 years, yeah went the way of the computer but I'm back now trying to re-learn so I can do some side work starting with my own car and wanted to achieve and aged looking sign on an old VW car door. I went the old route with a pounce wheel and chalk and then hand lettered using 1 shot with 1 shot flattener and high temp reducer. The paint has been curing in 105 degree heat for a week, yeah, its hot in Bakersfield. The problem is, I was expecting the paint to sand down to a transparent version of itself, yet Its chipping and scratching more than anything. Is there something wrong with my process? I also tried wiping with reducer, laquer thinner and sanding with finer paper. Adhesion seems to also be an issue. I don't remember 1 shot paint being this difficult to work with.