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ultraflex pole banner 18 oz issues


New Member
printing double-sided banners off an uv FB950 on ultraflex 18 oz pole banner. have used it many times before, no issues.

on these five rolls, 2 batch numbers, the blue and purple fills look like crap - vertical banding color shifs (not horizontal) that seems to follow in all rolls.

have read threads on ultraflex pole banner having issues on latex, now it seems like on uv.

any uv users out there having issues with this recently. all the rolls were manufactured in aug or sept 2013.


New Member
Hi, I'm new to this site and forums in general - hope I'm replying correctly! I'm with Ultraflex and not aware of any problems on with UV on the 18oz Pole Banner. Definitely have had problems on latex, but that's due to issues specific to latex (which is why we came out with Outdoor Banner LTX - basically a Latex version of the 18oz). If you haven't talked to your supplier, that could be a place to start. Also talk with your UF territory rep - there is a list on the website, www.ultraflexx.com. We're happy to help you through it!


Merchant Member
Ultrasuxx has quality issues across the board. Not limited to pole banner pro or any particular material. We had similar issues with other materials of theirs. Ive just learned to call my vendor...ask them to replace it and deal with it that way. UF honestly doesn't give a hoot and its best to just let your vendor deal with them and the aggravation. Likely its bad coating which is not uncommon to them.


New Member
That's what we did. The cowboy sent us new rolls, different lots and we had no issues on the new rolls.
Like the pole banner material, just got some bad pruduct.