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Ultraflexx = Ultrasuxx


Merchant Member
Buying my material thru N Glantz and they have been fantastic for me. They are here in Linden where my shop is and its a great thing!

Have been using Ultraflexx less and less now...and today just convinced me that they are horrible.
Been running a job of 8x20 mesh banners...using the 98in Strip Mesh on both 850 Latex and Solvent 3360. Of 8 rolls received, 4 were bad.
First roll, backer and mesh was Embossed...very bad factory roll job. Went thru 3360 ooh kaaay...not great but well enough that the job looked good and the mesh will flatten out when stretched on the fence.
2nd roll...Backer falling off the mesh on half of the roll.! pulled that off and threw it to the side.
3rd roll...Backer falling off the mesh After about 30 feet into the roll...ugggh. Used up part of the roll and threw it to the side.
4th thru 7th rolls were fine.
8th roll...same lot # as first 3. Kicked that off and had a "replacement" sent along with replacements of the other 2.
Now into replacement rolls....
2 are good. Different lots...ran thru fine.
Replacement of a replacement...same lot as first 3. :banghead:
Ultraflexx rep in just a bit ago...expressed my dismay about this roll being the same lot # and demanded a replacement immediately so I can deliver this job that just wont leave my shop!
Now, Glantz has to request an RMA...send THEIR driver to pick up the replacement...and drop it off tonite so I can print first thing in the AM tomorrow.

Apparently, we are beneath ultraflexx, which is 45 min away in North jersey to have them pickup the tab on a van and drive it down here.

Props to Glantz for helping me out :bushmill:

....a kick to the curb for ultraflexx.


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New Member
we are having the same issues. please let me know if you have found any other mesh material to replace ultraflexx banner. we are printing on UV printer. without mesh kit.


New Member
We just tried a sample roll of Sihl's 3110 SureView. Printed great but the liner seemed to be fused to the mesh in spots. I have not had time to try adjusting temperatures to see if the problem can be fixed. HP's mesh banner worked perfectly, but it looks like they may have discontinued it because I have not been able to find it.


New Member
I went with N.Glantz Bemesh. Backer has some issues with not wanting to come off especially where black is applied and allowed to dry. Sure beats the backer falling off during a 5'x30' banner ruining the job though. Using a hair drier on the backer does help its release.


New Member
IDK, All I'm worried about for the next few days is catching Keys fish in warm air and water, (touché, bill!)

BUT we have had the same issues with ultraflexx the quality has seemed to go way down hill. Been using a lot more cooley material. Glantz has been helpful as well which I appreciate but this is a waste of everyones time and damages our gear.

Don't even get me started on the inconsistencies in their wall covering media.


New Member
Same here. Very disappointed with the quality slide with 13 oz Jetflex using latex inks. Still ok with solvent but latex has plasticizer migration issues. Looking for a good alternative.


New Member
Ultraflexx not worth the time to mention the name.

we have been very happy with ARLON scrim banners and recently placed another order for, dealer was out and subbed Ultraflexx for Arlon, without our approval. we had no choice but to use Ultraflexx due to time issues.
never again will we use Ultraflexx or accept it as a substitute .

Signed Out

New Member
We probably don't run as much banner as you guys but we've never had a problem with ultraflex. We use mostly jetflex 13 oz printed on a roland.