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UPS Is Unbelievable!!!

mark galoob

New Member
Look ups and FedEx is what it is. If they screw urcrap up and u insured it properly file the claim and move on. But not to know about tubes or oversize charges or whatnot is pure ignorance. I Ship thousands of packages every year and I have many friends that ship thousands per yr also. We normally see about a half a percentage of screw ups that are the carriers fault. That's a better percentage than I have in errors in my print room.

Mark galoob


Go Bills!
But not to know about tubes or oversize charges or whatnot is pure ignorance.

that's kinda harsh and somewhat stupid statement.

if UPS tells me i can have a package overnighted and then doesn't come thru, i don't care how much fine print they have, they screwed up. saying the shipper is ignorant, is well, ignorant....
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Jack Knight1979

New Member
I get into huge blow out fights with UPS about every two years. They like to suspend my account without telling me.

I won't receive one invoice, and two months later, UPS doesn't notify me or call for payment, or a heads up. They just shut me down. Then when I call to find out why I was shut down it's a battle to get any service or support.

It took me two months this last time to get everything sorted out. I used USPS during this time and found that USPS is half the cost of UPS on overnight shipping. USPS also ships Saturday as a standard work day, so no extra charge for weekend delivery.

I use USPS as my main shipping provider and just use UPS for the really heavy stuff. Screw UPS.


Merchant Member
that's kinda harsh and somewhat stupid statement.

if UPS tells me i can have a package overnighted and then doesn't come thru, i don't care how much fine print they have, they screwed up. saying the shipper is ignorant, is well, ignorant....

Thats exactly what our clients think!! You overnight something for them...they expect it the next day. They dont really care of the excuse UPS or fedex gives us...and we are the ones who hear it on the phone or via email and all we can do is Apologize.

I have a policy now that once it leaves my hands and in UPS or Fedex's...I no longer have responsibility for any delays. Insurance with UPS doesnt hold water either. Thats a freakin scam. Tell them they destroyed boards on you and its still your fault. Uuggh.
The people I talked to yesterday afternoon were actually very pleasant and understanding. The one gentleman actually put me in touch with a supervisor in the customer care area and I spoke to her with my gripes. Not that it will get anywhere...but at least she listened and seemed to understand my particular situation. Fedex was the ONLY company to reimburse me for having to reprint a banner actually for another client. I could not believe it and give props to them for actually taking that extra step to help me out once upon a time.

mark galoob

New Member
ddarlak, obvioulsy im not talking about service delays that are ups or fedex fault, im talking about not knowing that ups charges extra for shipping in a round tube, or how their oversize charge works...aduh...these are simple things i see every day from uneducated shippers who gripe and ***** about ups without ever having even seen a ups terminal. or...

people get mad at ups for breaking their shipment, but failed to pack that shippment according to ups rules and regulations. i see this ALL the time.

if you ship a package overnight and ups does not get it there on time, you simply explain this to your customer and apologize...then call ups and hopefully get your money back...ie there are some instances in which they wont pay for service failures like this. weather delays, holidays etc...

but to "punish" ups or fedex by shipping with the usps is just laughable...if you think for a second that usps will treat your package any better, just go to your local middle school and watch the kids play...cause usps recruits from middle school drop outs...

mark galoob
UPS = U people Suck

DHL= Day and a half late

Fed Ex= We you absolutely positively need it there next day. It will get lost... Cross your fingers on a Sat.

We have had horror stories with them all...


Go Bills!
you simply explain this to your customer and apologize...

yea.... simple....

if i ship something overnight, there's a reason, um, i need it there overnight....

customer: "i'm standing here at my empty vendor booth, where is my chit!!!!"

unfortunate UPS customer: "sorry, it's not really my problem, you see UPS screwed it up, don't worry, you'll get it tomorrow...."

yea, real simple.

ddarlak, obvioulsy im not talking about service delays that are ups or fedex fault,

considering that was the topic of the thread, i don't get your ignorance statement....

mark galoob

New Member
well first of all if a customer waited untill the last second to get their chit to the empty vendor booth, its obviously your fault that the schedule could not be met...i mean what kind of moron cant get their customers stuff to them yesterday...why didnt you just beam it over...good lord

second of all i think i cleared up the "ignorance" part of this post because while no the op did not discuss that, several other posts discussed that...maybe you should read the entire content of the thread...


Merchant Member
well first of all if a customer waited untill the last second to get their chit to the empty vendor booth, its obviously your fault that the schedule could not be met...i mean what kind of moron cant get their customers stuff to them yesterday...why didnt you just beam it over...good lord

second of all i think i cleared up the "ignorance" part of this post because while no the op did not discuss that, several other posts discussed that...maybe you should read the entire content of the thread...

How is it OUR fault if the customer sets the schedule....we work our asses off late to get the job done for them....AND then UPS or FedEx screws the pooch? I guess your little part of the world....you dont get rush jobs like the rest of us.

mark galoob

New Member
come on wyld, read the rest of the posts...i OBVIOUSLY was being facetious about rush jobs and customers blaming us for ups or fed ex service failures.

mark galoob