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US Tariffs, Sigh!


New Member
There will always be a market for "drugs" its plain and simple... The US has its oligarchs as Mexico has its Oligarchs ( The Cartels ).
Politicians and Movie stars use Coke, hell even presidential sons ( Hunter ) use it in the White House LMAO.
As for the Panama canal its history and attempt start in earnest until 1698–1700 ( The Kingdom of Scotland - Darien Settlements ) to find a passage the at dint take the trip around the Tiera Del Fuego & the Drake passage.

The Columbians tried and Failed The French Tried and Failed... The USA bought it and it took 10 years to build at a cost of tens of thousand of lives

During the French attempt:
"The dense jungle was alive with venomous snakes, insects, and spiders, but the worst challenges were yellow fever, malaria, and other tropical diseases, which killed thousands of workers; by 1884, the death rate was over 200 per month.[26] Public health measures were ineffective because the role of the mosquito as a disease vector was then unknown. Conditions were downplayed in France to avoid recruitment problems, but the high mortality rate made it difficult to maintain an experienced workforce."

In 1846, the Mallarino–Bidlack Treaty, negotiated between the US and New Granada (the predecessor of Colombia) who owned that part of present day Panama.
There has been much negotiated between the US and various governments central american but the gist of it's that the US is the sole investor owner in perpetutiuy through concessions and payments to the Panamanian Gov't.

The issue with Trumps comments are:
That the current Panamanian government is overcharging US ships
President Jimmy Carter who unilaterally "gave' the canal back did so unconstitutionally and with out merit
To stop the incursion of the CCCP Chinese into the area
Loss of the canal will jeopardize the westerns hemispheres economic and security.
To stop the incursion of the CCCP Chinese into the area
Loss of the canal will jeopardize the westerns hemispheres economic and security."

what about the incursion of the US in the east?, near China, Russia and all other countries? do those countries say anything about that? Look at Taiwan that is part of China, US back Taiwan just to bother China, but it DOES NOT recognize it as a country, and it does not help it either to become one.


Active Member
To stop the incursion of the CCCP Chinese into the area
Loss of the canal will jeopardize the westerns hemispheres economic and security."

what about the incursion of the US in the east?, near China, Russia and all other countries? do those countries say anything about that? Look at Taiwan that is part of China, US back Taiwan just to bother China, but it DOES NOT recognize it as a country, and it does not help it either to become one.
Taiwan is NOT part of China. It is where the Chinese royal family escaped the Communist insurrection. (Funny, that word. On January 6, 2021 it was viewed as a bad thing and the "insurrectionists" needed to be hunted down and locked up for a long time. But here we have leftists saying that the insurrection is the rightful owner of China and nearby islands).


New Member
Thinking this a Y2K scenario were everyone runs out to buy toilet paper, canned goods and generators. Let's see what happens at midnight tonight, whether the world goes 'poof' or not.

My biggest concern is that the emphasis of the proposed tariffs seems to ignore those that will feel the immediate impact of the tariffs. At the end of the day $100 is still worth a $100 and will be spent in full. But will the money still flow through the hands of the delivery drivers, wait staff, kitchen employees, hotel and maintenance staff, etc. that have absolutely no power over these changes? Media reports suggest that Nashville tourism could see a 10% downturn. That's a lot of people that no longer will have a job next week just as tourist season would be scheduled to ramp up.

There's a big line-up at the US/Canada border as companies try to get goods into the US before midnight tonight. How many customs officers will not be called in next week if traffic drops by 50%?

There's a lot to unpack here.

Johnny Best

Active Member
I was a public school graduate.
General Chihng Kai-shek lost to MaoZgdong in a civil war and was forced to flee to Taiwan where he set up a democratic government backed by the US. Mao set up the PRC on the mainland of China which is still in power today. The UN always accepted Taiwan as China until in the 60s or 70s in which mainland China was recognized by the UN and Taiwan lost their status as being China. Xi wants to annex Taiwan just like they did with Hong Kong and that has been brutal.

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
He said a ton more! You're about to fail this whole section on context clues...
Why did you get out of teaching? Not enough pay?

no, i'm not failing anything. trump is shutting down the federal education department because of the amount of waste that it has. we are 40th out of 40 countries and the most money going into the fund. that's the full explanation...i took those context clues into account ;)


Active Member
I was a public school graduate.
General Chihng Kai-shek lost to MaoZgdong in a civil war and was forced to flee to Taiwan where he set up a democratic government backed by the US. Mao set up the PRC on the mainland of China which is still in power today. The UN always accepted Taiwan as China until in the 60s or 70s in which mainland China was recognized by the UN and Taiwan lost their status as being China. Xi wants to annex Taiwan just like they did with Hong Kong and that has been brutal.
Hong Kong was always slated to return to China, though it was a much different China that got it back than the one that leased it to the British.


Active Member
Hong Kong was always slated to return to China, though it was a much different China that got it back than the one that leased it to the British.
It was... But it's supposed to be 1 country 2 systems until 2047, which didn't happen.

Should have been much more uproar over them breaking that treaty And promise... But seemed like people didn't care too much.


New Member
Hong Kong was always slated to return to China, though it was a much different China that got it back than the one that leased it to the British.
Was that really the case, that in the 1800s the British and Chinese governments of the time planned the transfer of Hong Kong back to the yet to be formed CCP a century later. I believe this was a deal struck in the 1980s.

I'm sure some forensic accountant with a little spare time on his or her hands could follow the money somewhere. Strategically I can see no benefit of the divestment of Hong Kong. No more than walking away from Taiwan or the Chagos Islands.

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
A cursory google search completely disagrees with your statement. Texas ranks in at 38 nationally, maybe you have that confused with world rankings?
38th vs 40. you really want to argue about last place? the sentiment is the same. we spend the most on education and have the least produced smart people.


New Member
No, Texas ranks 38th domestically. I have looked at multiple lists of worldwide education rankings and the U.S. is nowhere near the bottom of any of them

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
No, Texas ranks 38th domestically. I have looked at multiple lists of worldwide education rankings and the U.S. is nowhere near the bottom of any of them
sir. we are talking about nation. not individual states. but as a retired teacher in texas, that ranking is terrible too.

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
I guess this is the statement in reference, and as usual, the libs are trying to spin it to be a classic 'trump lie'.
I saw plenty of articles claiming trump has been fact checked about the 40 and 40. but our college campuses have 3 remedial reading classes and 3 remedial math classes. facts be facts that factcheckers can't explain.


Premium Subscriber
Are we talking about a certain level of schooling like 3rd grade, 11th grade, secondary education or total schooling in general ?? Are some subjects measured differently from each other or is it all lumped together ?? Does population sizes have anything to do with these numbers ??