"There will always be a market for "drugs" its plain and simple... The US has its oligarchs as Mexico has its Oligarchs ( The Cartels ).
Politicians and Movie stars use Coke, hell even presidential sons ( Hunter ) use it in the White House LMAO.
As for the Panama canal its history and attempt start in earnest until 1698–1700 ( The Kingdom of Scotland - Darien Settlements ) to find a passage the at dint take the trip around the Tiera Del Fuego & the Drake passage.
The Columbians tried and Failed The French Tried and Failed... The USA bought it and it took 10 years to build at a cost of tens of thousand of lives
During the French attempt:
"The dense jungle was alive with venomous snakes, insects, and spiders, but the worst challenges were yellow fever, malaria, and other tropical diseases, which killed thousands of workers; by 1884, the death rate was over 200 per month.[26] Public health measures were ineffective because the role of the mosquito as a disease vector was then unknown. Conditions were downplayed in France to avoid recruitment problems, but the high mortality rate made it difficult to maintain an experienced workforce."
In 1846, the Mallarino–Bidlack Treaty, negotiated between the US and New Granada (the predecessor of Colombia) who owned that part of present day Panama.
There has been much negotiated between the US and various governments central american but the gist of it's that the US is the sole investor owner in perpetutiuy through concessions and payments to the Panamanian Gov't.
The issue with Trumps comments are:
That the current Panamanian government is overcharging US ships
President Jimmy Carter who unilaterally "gave' the canal back did so unconstitutionally and with out merit
To stop the incursion of the CCCP Chinese into the area
Loss of the canal will jeopardize the westerns hemispheres economic and security.
To stop the incursion of the CCCP Chinese into the area
Loss of the canal will jeopardize the westerns hemispheres economic and security."
what about the incursion of the US in the east?, near China, Russia and all other countries? do those countries say anything about that? Look at Taiwan that is part of China, US back Taiwan just to bother China, but it DOES NOT recognize it as a country, and it does not help it either to become one.