When I first had it all back together, I received a cable error. I put the old cables back on (with the right bends, so the cable ends were at the correct locations).
Then it showed the "E085Err Head Heat" error.
I put my old print head back on... no errors.
Now I'm not sure if I messed up the new print head, or if the new one isn't compatible with my printer.
The new print head came looking the same except the manifold is thicker. The company that I got it from said that the 1614 has a thinner manifold (like mine), but my 1604 should use the thicker one like what they sent. They said I could switch manifolds to make it fit in my machine.
The tag on my machine reads VJ-1604A. I'm not sure if the "A" at the end makes a difference or not.
I'm including a pic of the old and new printheads. The new one is on the right.