Adobe just added 122 OTF Variable Font families to the Adobe Fonts service. This is a pretty decent collection of variable families. Most of them have multiple variable axes (including some unusual ones like "style" or "bounce"). The Adobe Fonts web page has been updated to add a search filter for variable fonts. Pages for each variable family feature a pretty nice "type tester" where you can play around with the axes. They offer multiple controls; numerical sliders off to the right and some manual handles around the sample type object. The live previews work very smoothly (Google Fonts' variable type tester also works pretty well).
I had been wondering for some time if/when Adobe would ever add variable fonts to the Adobe Fonts service. Some of the "static" type families they've hosted for a long time have had variable versions available. Adobe has added the companion variable versions in a decent number of cases. One example is Obviously by the Oh No Type Foundry. It has something like 96 static styles, but 1 Variable font file can duplicate all those styles (plus any subtle in-between levels). I'm kind of happy to see variable versions of Acumin and Myriad added, which means they'll be able to be used outside of Adobe Illustrator. Kepler is another "Adobe Original" added, which seems like a call-back to when Kepler was available as a Type 1 Multiple Master font. Hopefully they'll add some other defunct Type 1 MM fonts as updated OTF Variable versions (Penumbra, Nueva, etc).
I had been wondering for some time if/when Adobe would ever add variable fonts to the Adobe Fonts service. Some of the "static" type families they've hosted for a long time have had variable versions available. Adobe has added the companion variable versions in a decent number of cases. One example is Obviously by the Oh No Type Foundry. It has something like 96 static styles, but 1 Variable font file can duplicate all those styles (plus any subtle in-between levels). I'm kind of happy to see variable versions of Acumin and Myriad added, which means they'll be able to be used outside of Adobe Illustrator. Kepler is another "Adobe Original" added, which seems like a call-back to when Kepler was available as a Type 1 Multiple Master font. Hopefully they'll add some other defunct Type 1 MM fonts as updated OTF Variable versions (Penumbra, Nueva, etc).