New Member
I am trying to open an eps file from Corel. Everything in the file is vectored except these 4 lines of copy which is the same font as the rest of the signage.
These 4 lines keep coming in as a bitmap. Not the type I am used to seeing though. each letter is made up of 1 or 5 pieces so if you took a capital E, it is made up of 4 pieces. When I zoom in I see the pixelation clearly although my client says he sees the vectors on his screen.
This is to weird for me to figure out.... any idea what the heck is going on?
I will say that they do engraving and they considered doing this type as tactile so possibly it had been set up for a raster and some how that information when exported comes back?
These 4 lines keep coming in as a bitmap. Not the type I am used to seeing though. each letter is made up of 1 or 5 pieces so if you took a capital E, it is made up of 4 pieces. When I zoom in I see the pixelation clearly although my client says he sees the vectors on his screen.
This is to weird for me to figure out.... any idea what the heck is going on?
I will say that they do engraving and they considered doing this type as tactile so possibly it had been set up for a raster and some how that information when exported comes back?