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Vector illustrations for t-Shirt designs

K Chez

New Member
Here's a couple vector illustrations that I recently completed for a couple of t-shirt projects. 100% vector art done in Corel.


  • Lead East 2018 car-1.jpg
    Lead East 2018 car-1.jpg
    117.5 KB · Views: 588
  • Lead East 2018 car-2.jpg
    Lead East 2018 car-2.jpg
    143 KB · Views: 557
  • Bailey Car 2018.jpg
    Bailey Car 2018.jpg
    281.1 KB · Views: 594

James Chrimes

New Member
Great job. Curious as to what you have to charge for t-shirts with designs like that. or do you have a minimum amount they have to order to cover your time. Thanks

K Chez

New Member
Thanks for the compliments guys!
James - Usually the amount of colors on the front & back will dictate the minimum, but on jobs like this, typically 144. The classic cars were for a company that is the vendor for the event and the racecar is part of a sponsorship deal I made with the driver. I used to race with his dad (his first date with his future wife was going to our races!) and I've lettered his cars since he was racing quarter midgets. I think some of his rides are in my gallery on here.
RJS Signs - about 8-9 on the TQ & around 10-12 each for the other two due to the chrome detail. I could have fudged it and just did a basic chrome/reflection, but it wouldn't have looked right. Probably around 26-27 hours total into the complete design.

K Chez

New Member
Wow. I had no idea they make midgets in quarter size. That is very small. Very nice work.
Quarter midgets have been raced since the 40's - most of today's drivers started out running them. Kids start as young as 5 in them and can race them up to 16. The drawing is a TQ (3/4 Midget) - they run a Suzuki GSX-R 750 motor and are usually one of, if not the fastest divisions at the tracks they race.


Active Member
For that amount of time in a job, I'd have to charge $750-1000 or we'd go under....counting break and meal times that's 2 days doing one drawing.


Active Member
Wish we had customers that would spend that much getting things. They all want something that looks like that until you tell them how much.

I really like those.

K Chez

New Member
UncleBun - Thanks! Yes, those customers are few and far between with your regular sign/t-shirt shop customer base. Being tapped into the market for corporate/ad agency/illustration type projects would probably be a more accepting clientele for this type of work. I pushed my business more for vehicle lettering/signs/shirts than I did for being an illustrator (maybe not the best career move, but I still enjoy going to work everyday, so it ain't all bad!)

The Vector Doctor

Chief Bezier Manipulator
Wish we had customers that would spend that much getting things. They all want something that looks like that until you tell them how much.

I really like those.

Yeah and I get customers that send me art like that and expect me to trace it for less than $50