I was curious if anyone else has been frustrated with Versaworks Dual rip times. And how they reduced them.
I work with a lot of large files, 52" x 5'-25' at a time. When I rip a job on my Intel Core2 Duo 4GB RAM RIP, it takes about 40 minutes to RIP a large file. If we make a mistake, or realize the file was saved in a low res format, we have to re-rip. In a fast paced environment this time adds up.
I installed Versaworks Dual on an i7 with 16GB RAM and a SSD Hard Drive, and it still takes about 30 minutes.
Files are created in illustrator, and frequently are anywhere from 100-800mb including all "linked" files in illustrator. Todays 40 minute RIP sample was only 42mb, plus a 100mb linked file. Files are stored on a server, and accessed over a Gigabit network.
I typically uncheck "preserve editing ability" to flatten the files.
I guess my first question is, is this what everyone else experiences too on PDF files that were generated in AI, with mostly text, except one background smart object that originates from a roughly 100mb PDF. And what if anything have you found to reduce RIP times as much as possible.
I work with a lot of large files, 52" x 5'-25' at a time. When I rip a job on my Intel Core2 Duo 4GB RAM RIP, it takes about 40 minutes to RIP a large file. If we make a mistake, or realize the file was saved in a low res format, we have to re-rip. In a fast paced environment this time adds up.
I installed Versaworks Dual on an i7 with 16GB RAM and a SSD Hard Drive, and it still takes about 30 minutes.
Files are created in illustrator, and frequently are anywhere from 100-800mb including all "linked" files in illustrator. Todays 40 minute RIP sample was only 42mb, plus a 100mb linked file. Files are stored on a server, and accessed over a Gigabit network.
I typically uncheck "preserve editing ability" to flatten the files.
I guess my first question is, is this what everyone else experiences too on PDF files that were generated in AI, with mostly text, except one background smart object that originates from a roughly 100mb PDF. And what if anything have you found to reduce RIP times as much as possible.