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Need Help Vertical Blue Line (vs-540)


New Member
Blue line printing as it feeds out of the machine (not printing accross in carriage direction but vertically in media feed direction).
dirty encoder?

edit:I'm not sure where the first image I uploaded went to, sorry if I've added clutter elsewhere on the site


  • IMG_0133.jpg
    668.7 KB · Views: 231
Hey euronymous,

The randomly misfiring of the nozzles, such as the in the photo you provided, is the result of a dirty or damaged encoder scale and/or sensor. This needs to be addressed by your Roland dealer. Please notify them on this failure and they'll resolve this for you.

If you have additional questions or need extra support directly from Roland corporate support, please submit an "official" support request form online here: Product Support Form | Roland

If you do write us, we look forward to helping you and take care,

Roland Technical Support
Roland DGA Corp.