Hi Sean,
Again, many thanks for your info. I have included a picture of the current nozzlecheck status (CYM= perfect, K channels: one has maybe 20%, the other more like 70% of it's nozzles; previous owner claims he did a nozzlecheck every week from end of production (october) till beginning of januari (from when i've picked this -seamingly- marvell up). Capping and pump seem to work fine as i see 'lots' of ink going to the waste container.
- "waterfall": that explains why this isn't the case with my printhead on other color channels (CYM)
Is should be more like so then:
i guess? That is the case but i clearly feel more resistance in the black channels (which are clearly clogged (see pic)). So i guess i must keep 'pushing' cleaningsolvent with a syringe on those channels in an effort to unclogg her.
- remove the head: do you think it is better to completely remove the printhead (read: out of the printer) in order to flush it or do you mean its better to remove the head from the cappingstation(position)?
- risk: yes i understand the risk, but i cannot print anything right now so i feel the risk is bigger in leaving the printhead clogged like she is right now as that renders the printer useless (see color patch print test: black and darker colorpatches suffer a lot) :-S
Done until now:
- several cleanings (eco, normal, power, ...)
- check if the cappingstation is ok (wiper and capping top cleaned/pump work > ink going to waste container
- soaked the capping top and leave the printhead overnight + std cleaning and printtest with all black for some feet + nozzle check : still clogged (seems allways the same nozzles)
- tried to flush (very gently (with a syringe attached to a damper, so not pushing directly in the printhead) + few cleanings to fill the head with ink again + nozzle check : still the same nozzles
Up next: several possibilities remain (as far as my instinct goes):
- or purge all ink and put in those ecosolvent cleaning carts and let her fill up with this + capping soaked with cleaning for 1 day or so + lots of printing with the cleaningsolvent (instead of normal ecosolvent ink)
- or remove the head completely and flush the head with a pure syringe (read: witouth any damper in between) with lots of cleaningsolvent
- or soak the capping again and keep on trying to slightly flush the head
What's your opinion as to this history of trying/cleaning, Sean? Others: Also many thanks for any pro input on this. I will report back and add to this thread as others might also learn from my doings.