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Mike Paul

Super Active Member
What a pain in the ass voting the other day. They have New machines which is fine but had to sign in on a digital tablet with a stylus pen 4 times because she said my signature doesn't look like it matches previous signatures on file?

It’s a rubber f’in pen that doesn’t work very well.
Here’s my driver’ license. With a picture on it… Nooo I can’t accept that, ??? I Need a matching signature that looks like this. Hmm

Is a Matching Signature more important
than a picture ID???

Please sign again and make sure it looks like this one from years ago???

She Turns her tablet around and
She Shows me previous signatures from years ago and says it has to look like this.

She won't look at my photo Id to confirm who I am but has no problem with me signing in if I come close to copying a signature she has on a tablet 3 feet from my face...


I'm here for Educational Purposes
What does this have to do with printing/ the sign industry?
Maybe you didn't notice this is posted in the general chit chat category. Just like Mike didn't notice the other thread on voting day... on this topic.


Active Member
Voting in Washington State was even more ridiculous.
I opted to vote in person... at the one and only site in our big district.
"Voting in Person" required that we bring our "Mail-in" ballot. Upon arrival, we were told to take a seat at one of the empty tables and fill out our mail-in ballot.
No showing of any I.D. whatsoever. No machines...WTF
Upon completion of filling out our "Mail-in" ballot...while being video surveilled... we were instructed to drop the ballot into a box supposedly being hand delivered to the processing center. Form your own opinions...

Mike Paul

Super Active Member
And B,
Just because your following another political thread doesn’t mean I need to be attached to it or add to it.

Thought mine was interesting,
Never asked for my in 35 years


Quit buggin' me
Our's are still fill-in-the-oval on paper ballots with machine counting.
Much better than our earlier method when they just gave us a blank piece of paper and a #2 pencil. We had to sketch an unlabeled portrait of those we wanted to cast a vote for.
Tabulators had to guess who we sketched. Most of mine ended up on the gender-neutral stick-figure reject pile........
(I'll see myself out of his thread now)


Premium Subscriber
All the money and thinking poured into making our VOTES be counted legally and honestly, is a buncha crap. When there's a close race, it takes days, weeks or more to count votes. Time to figure out ways to expand your count. Years ago, when it took place, it might take into the next day. Machines and help were much more exact and totally honest back then.

We hadda show picture ID, sign in with a rubber pencil and my signature didn't really look like my signature and I told them this pad has a delay, so this doesn't look like my signature. She said, that's Okay, it doesn't matter anyway.


New Member
Anyone else wonder, how it is, that back in the days of paper ballots, before computers, before the internet, before cellular phones, election results were known promptly?

But now with all this modern technology, election results take days or even weeks to be known??? Or more like days or even weeks to figure out how many vote you need to manufacture to steal it!

Mike Paul

Super Active Member
Technology is strange,
We can land a man on the moon in the 60’s
Drop Atomic bombs to end the war, In 1945 I believe but listening to a baseball game on the radio in 2022 sucks


Arial - it's almost helvetica
Anyone else wonder, how it is, that back in the days of paper ballots, before computers, before the internet, before cellular phones, election results were known promptly?

But now with all this modern technology, election results take days or even weeks to be known??? Or more like days or even weeks to figure out how many vote you need to manufacture to steal it!
They weren't.
There's a lot of money involved so naturally the loser will have a million excuses as to why they blew all that cash that they were given and still lost.. The giant ego of a politician will never look in the mirror.