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Vp540 strange banding


New Member

i´m having some strange problems with my Roland.
When printing a dark green for example it starts banding but with some kind of pattern.
Like a gradient starting in lighter green and ending in darker green and then starting over again. 4/5 "stripes" to complete the cicle. anyone knows what cause this??
thank you


Just Me
Could be the heads need cleaning... or your media has drag... try prefeeding it. But I bet if you clean the around the heads and run a medium clean... you'll see a definite change.


New Member
i´m uploading a photo to illustrate better the problem.
Prefeeding? not familiar with that term :Oops:


New Member
it´s not very clear in the photo as it seems a "normal" banding. but it´s not. It makes a cycle. And this file has a gradient. I printed another file with no gradient but a darker green and it came out perfect :S


  • banding.png
    402 KB · Views: 236


New Member
other problem i have (don´t know if it has something to do with this) is when doing the Calibration ajustment, it doesn´t come out a perfect print and the second pass is not aligned with the first one.


New Member
why? the problem is that i can´t align. it´s not the "gap" between the passes. That you can ajust and that what the calibration test is for. The problem is that they are not aligned vertically. the "nozzles" get on top of each one in the same horizontal line


Just Me
I totally did not understand that post... sorry....

are you saying your banding is not running the same way the head is passing over? I am now confused (doesn't take much) but calibration adjustment on my VP540 would definitely be the first thing I looked at after cleaning and media feed.


New Member
i understand that i´m not very clear when writting in english as it is not my mative language, so i have some difficulty in translating some specific terms. I will post a picture when i arrrive to the office so you can understand better. Let´s see if i can explain better.
When doing the calibration test the printer makes two passes and the objective is to correct the gap between those passes wright? the problem is that the second pass is a litlle to the right compared to the first one, so even with a perfect ajustment in terms of gap, the nozzles are on top of each other.
oh well..i think i did it even worse...lets wait for the picture :Oops:

but thank you for trying to help. :notworthy:


New Member
here are the photos

i exagerated the constrast in photoshop so the problem is more visible. The diagonal lines are a file problem, thatsa not what i´m talking about. can you see the vertical lines? it makes a cycle. Darker/lighter/darker/lighter...banding usually is consistant, lines all over the print. i never got something like this. Standard quality uni dirrecional printing




this is the calibration problem. see the lines all messed up?? even in the "correct" ajustment..


New Member
i keep humidity at arround 50% in the room and the pinter heater is almost at max power. I use triangle inks