The VPNs that I have set up have all been site-to-site using Sonicwall TZ series firewalls. This method is great, we use it to connect both offices of the sign company in two cities together so files can be accessed easier, and management of computer systems is much quicker. The actual setup of the VPN using the Sonicwalls was quite easy it seems, but I don't know about remote-to-site VPN. I think what you're probably looking for is more for people to use like on their laptops while out of the office to connect back to your servers. This would probably need some kind of VPN client like Hamachi to connect back to your router, but I'm not sure if you have to have a VPN service running on a server at your location that the VPN tunnel terminates at, or if you have to have some physical firewall or VPN router that builds the remote-to-guest tunnel and the Hamachi client on your remote computer just connects to that.