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VS-640 - ligth cyan run out during printing - problem


print it easy...:)
Greetings for all from Hungary!:smile:

I would be very glad, If I can get some help or tip in connection with my problem.
I dont know where else to go or how....

I have constatnt ligt cyan run ot problem: After cleaning it gives a 100% testprint, then print around 50 cm long then the LC become striped, and slowly fade away almost completely.

The tech guy replaced original parts: cap top, damper - but he couldnt solve the problem - now we are on waiting to the answer from the service, on what to do - but is very slow, and business is rolling as usual.

I've tried suction with a syringe on captop ( head in parking place, two pipe form the pump)
With the syringe method or with powercleaning it comes 100% again, then on printing the LC runs out.

I've tried to pull ink from the pipes above the damper and it comes easily with no bubbles. I've tried also pull across the damper, and it was OK as from the pipes above.

The machine has full maintenance and original roland parts till now, wiper, felt...etc. It has almost half year old printhead in it.
It runs on alternative ink - inkmate. Before printhead change, it runs almost 2 years - no issues with this ink.

Can anyone give me any suggestions?

Testprint before, the printout itself then testprint after - attached
I hope my english is understandable :smile:


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J Hill Designs

New Member
Usually a problem with bad damper - it doesn't have the flow to keep up with the print, but corrects itself during a cleaning/etc.

I would start at changing the damper


print it easy...:)
Thank you for your urgent reply!

Now it has the second brandnew roland damper since this issue. Tech first change the captop, and the damper, then the issue goes away for a week. Then again. Tech changed the 2 weeks old damper in guarantee, but then he could not solve the problem. He leave the machine, with no LC on testprint... then I've tried to do someting. I've got it back with the syringe, but the fading remains. Here we are now.

J Hill Designs

New Member
well, could be the pump, could be 'blockage' in the ink line (think artherosclerosis)

could be other stuff. Im not a tech at all


print it easy...:)
well, could be the pump, could be 'blockage' in the ink line (think artherosclerosis)

could be other stuff. Im not a tech at all

I've checked that... inkflow is ok (as far as I can measure it with hand/eyes and syringe)
pump is working, as it can clean form 0% to 100 percent the LC.


Active Member
Could be a crack where the damper attaches to the head.

Try printing Unidirectional and see what happens. If it prints well you have a restriction somewhere. Check for a kinked or collapsed line too.


Magna Cum Laude - School of Hard Knocks
If your ink cart is low, but still has ink, take it out and gently rock it back and forth a few times, and replace it. That always seems to work when I have a color that starts out strong and fades after a bit.


print it easy...:)
thank you for your anwers mates! you are very helpful!

Just a thought, have you tried a new cartridge?

It has refillable cartridges. I ' ve took it out, and visually checked it - was ok. I especially take care of the rubber seal. There was no debris or other stuff in it, just the light ink. Above the dampers, I've disconnected the lines and checked the flow of ink with a syringe with no problem so I think the cartridge is not suspicious.

Could be a crack where the damper attaches to the head.

Try printing Unidirectional and see what happens. If it prints well you have a restriction somewhere. Check for a kinked or collapsed line too.
I'll try that, but with the syringe method the flow is okay.
I"ve suspected already the head manifold crack, but I couldnt verified it. Is there any operation to check it? (syringe to he headmanifold, blocked pump lines, light pressure to the manifold with LM ink, and listen carefully?! ) Interesting queston that how the hell would it be possible anyway.

If your ink cart is low, but still has ink, take it out and gently rock it back and forth a few times, and replace it. That always seems to work when I have a color that starts out strong and fades after a bit.

I think it is true with the original "inner bag" styled carts, but I have refillable "bag free" chart with full of ink. Of course with free and opened breather holes on it :)


Active Member
3rd party inks... I agree with JHill. Check for blockage in ALL lines. Your lines to and from the pump are probably clogged. That alone causes all kinds of issues. Lines are probably hardened to the point of being brittle too. I know this from experience.


print it easy...:)
It's logic what you are saying.
Well, the lines (form the captop to the pump) are new, and free to flow. The lines from cart to the head are the same, not new, but free to flow too. We have this ink in other machines with absolutely no problems in the ink system, mainly that I have problem with the LC, what means 2 times solvent to the base ink therefore much less pigment in it.
Is it possible that I got bad series of dampers from the tech?!

state now: I rotated the seal in the damper (4x) upside down, so the funnel can reach deeper on the head ( and seal more).
Flushed trough the LC line again, from damper connection to the cart. Flushed the cartridge completely.
In the cart I found a little fly corpse...
Testprint is ok, Uni-dir is ok (~4 m2 ), but empty metallic ink.... :banghead:
On monday, the next step will be bi-dir....

Thanks for watching... :)


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Active Member
It's logic what you are saying.
Well, the lines (form the captop to the pump) are new, and free to flow. The lines from cart to the head are the same, not new, but free to flow too. We have this ink in other machines with absolutely no problems in the ink system, mainly that I have problem with the LC, what means 2 times solvent to the base ink therefore much less pigment in it.
Is it possible that I got bad series of dampers from the tech?!

state now: I totated the seal in the damper (4x) upside down, so the funnel can reach deeper on the head ( and seal more).
Flushed trough the LC line again, from damper connection to the cart. Flushed the cartridge completely.
In the cart I found a little fly corpse...
Testprint is ok, Uni-dir is ok (~4 m2 ), but empty metallic ink.... :banghead:
On monday, the next step will be bi-dir....

Thanks for watching... :)

Not a fly, it was the ink engineer. Now you'll have to get a new one.:Big Laugh:Big Laugh:Big Laugh

Happy to hear you got it going. Never would have suspected a real bug.


print it easy...:)
girls yep, we got a customer who give us a lot project like that... we usually really joy them :Big Laugh:Big Laugh

Its ok, but I've got little fear of bi-dir.... after so much clean cycle, waste ink, and time.


print it easy...:)
State now:

After a full day with testing and working, it is almost positive.
I've lost the LC only one time. I tried uni, bi-dir, bi-dir slow and fast headspead...etc. It seems, ther is no problem in uni dir mode. I left the LC on bi-dir high speed, only a normal cleaning and it become 100% again (probably left air after service?!).

I will know more on next day... :rolleyes:


print it easy...:)

Hi guys!

I have to say, that I have a good machine again.... :) In the past few days there was no problem at all.
Thanks for your help mates! A premium virtual beer for you guys... if you like it ;):smile: