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Vs-640i no printing yellow ink


New Member
Hello guys. I have a problem with yellow ink in my machine. After cleaning isnt working a yellow ink and its after printtest only some nozzle is printed. Cleaning dont help. I replace a new head , i replace a new dampera but still dont help. Please have you some suggestion about this problem? Thank you


New Member
It may be ink starvation from air in the ink hose. Trace back the hose all the way from the damper to the ink cartridge and check there are no clogs, and also there are no leaks. The o-rings in the brass nuts can fail and let air in, normally around the cartridge dock..
If you are getting some yellow nozzles firing on the test print then it is more likely to be an ink supply problem rather than an electronic one. Did you also replace the captop as if this isn't sealing properly it can also cause ink supply problems


New Member
It may be ink starvation from air in the ink hose. Trace back the hose all the way from the damper to the ink cartridge and check there are no clogs, and also there are no leaks. The o-rings in the brass nuts can fail and let air in, normally around the cartridge dock..
If you are getting some yellow nozzles firing on the test print then it is more likely to be an ink supply problem rather than an electronic one. Did you also replace the captop as if this isn't sealing properly it can also cause ink supply problems
Thanks new cap top arriving only in monday. I forget to take a photo about a test print


New Member
Here is a photo about test print


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New Member
Assuming the head isnt faulty, it definitely looks like you have a lot of clogged nozzles there. If the captop isn't sealing properly it can just make one colour dry out and the nozzles clog. I would try an overnight head soak and see if that helps at all in clearing it first


New Member
After change of a captop i have a good condition of printtest but if i print some m2 yellow is missing again. I change captop dampers wiper inclean a tube and clean a cartridge wellding but still some yellow missing only falf. If i make a powerfull cleaning yellow looks like good. After fes meters of printed material yellow again missing of half. Any suggestions ? Thank you

Jim Hancock

Old School Technician
It seems like one of your yellow dampers is either not full enough or is failing. I would suggest doing a single choke clean. It is in the service menu under the sub menu.


New Member
I agree, sounds like ink starvation - possibly air in the the line - check your yellow ink cartridge, it may be as simple as that...
Using OEM inks?


New Member
I agree, sounds like ink starvation - possibly air in the the line - check your yellow ink cartridge, it may be as simple as that...
Using OEM inks?
i use no oem ink, i make this, new captop, new dampers, new head, new ink tube, without bubbles or any air in ink, i make a flush for any bubbles, after i make a cleaning powerfull 2x, i print in service mode a test print, looks everythink ok, after 1-2-3 squatre meters, the yellow ink runout, if i take down a top of damper the ink is going yout from tube flows out normaly. i dont know what i must change anyway :(

Zoogee World

Domed Promotional Product Supplier
i use no oem ink, i make this, new captop, new dampers, new head, new ink tube, without bubbles or any air in ink, i make a flush for any bubbles, after i make a cleaning powerfull 2x, i print in service mode a test print, looks everythink ok, after 1-2-3 squatre meters, the yellow ink runout, if i take down a top of damper the ink is going yout from tube flows out normaly. i dont know what i must change anyway :(
Have you tried switching dampers with another color to see if it starts giving you issues with that one you switched with and if you yellow stays?