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W00t, Credit cards paid off!


New Member
If I would have not consolidated my credit card into the loan I got when I replaced my roof two years ago I would probably be homeless.
I'm paying down my credit over 8 more years. I admit, I miss it because there are some months that I fricking lived off of it for food and gas.
But my loan payment is $325/month.
My minimum credit card payment was $350 and my balance never changed.
(I had about $14,000 in CC debt)
My interest rate (the lowest I could get) was 13.99%. My loan interest is 3.3%.
I only use a debit card now. It's been a rough road but I am getting by.


Premium Subscriber
Good going..... :thumb:

We rarely use a credit card anymore and if we do, we make sure the cards are paid off entirely at the billing time so as not to receive any interest. We basically use it for gasoline and something we need in a hurry and not have enough cash with us to pay.

Last month we were at a B&B for a fun weekend and saw a store where we needed some things. Moseyed around and ended up with $2,200 worth of merchandise. However the place was having a 1-day sale and if you purchased you stuck your hand in a barrel and picked a number. I picked a 40 and we received 40% off our purchase, so it was a good day for us.
So, we used our credit card, cause we didn't have enough cash on hand. Worked out well. :clapping: