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Was wondering...


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I had a 6 volt bug. I believe it was a '63. But I always wanted a "thing". Never worried about my output contribution to the atmosphere.

This whole business is only slight of hand and smoke & mirrors. Has nothing to do with caring about the globe. There are so many far better ways to help this world, but at the moment, none of them matter and can cause as much conflict.


New Member
I've had an EV for a year. Most of the information posted here is incorrect information spread by special interest groups. Are EVs perfect? Absolutely not. They have flaws, but let's not kid ourselves, making your current vehicle is hardly perfect either.

I'd be happy to answer anyone's questions if they're honestly interested in factual information based on peer reviewed papers and actual ownership. If you want a Facebook discussion, I have better things to do.


Active Member
Seems like everything turns political. And it's funny too... What does the current administration have to do with whether you buy an EV or not?

You either like ev and what it has to offer, or you don't. Some people prefer loud vehicles and the feel of a gas engine... Some don't. Some people want a motorbike... Some don't. Doesn't matter if Hitler is president, deciding your purchased based on politics is plain dumb.

If you want to say ford is made in america while most of Tesla is overseas, that's an argument worth having (although something like 40% of a ford is made in USA / canada, the rest is overseas... It is still higher than tesla).

P.s - the founder of Tesla is a republican. I believe Trump was pro Tesla as well. So boycotting Tesla because the current admin (as well as every other country) is pushing for more environmentally friendly options is dumb. If Trump were still in office, I'm sure he'd be doing the same.


Premium Subscriber
How does Hitler seem to find a way into soooo many threads...... especially when they start out complaining about things turning political ??

Please, either follow your own criticism or shut up and try not to talk so frickin reckless.


New Member
Finaly bought Tesla shares, been following musk for 15 years, augg a bit late. However I think GM will be gone in 5 years, Tesla will also be a utility power company. I think the stock is a good value. Also I think a most of his cars will have an average 30 year life span. Much simpler than ice cars. Also did you know the majority of early cars were electric? General Motors, Ford Motor, rather then General Engine etc..


New Member
I have no issues with electric vehicles. That being said, right now I don't see my self buying one till the tech gets better, which it is, just 5+ years away.
While we've made huge strides in the Lithium Ion battery, I'm waiting till solid state batteries are in production and at least a generation has passed before I seriously look at one.


Active Member
How does Hitler seem to find a way into soooo many threads...... especially when they start out complaining about things turning political ??

Please, either follow your own criticism or shut up and try not to talk so frickin reckless.
Are you worried I'm comparing Trump to Hitler or something? If so, that wasn't my intention. I was simply making the point that if Hitler told me not to buy a gas guzzler, I wouldnt say fuck you, you're bad and go against his wishes.

Care to point to any other threads where Hitler was brought up?

It was making a point not to base your decisions on politics, or on what anyone else says... Or even if you want to stretch it, complaining politics got brought up when people started talking about something else, and I used an extreme comparison. What part of my own criticisms didn't I follow?!

Have I EVER posted on here, or anywhere saying The republicans are stupid and have their own agenda on XX so I'm going to do this instead? Have I ever said Thats a Republicans opinion and I'm against it? Or leaned a certain direction in a debate just because Republicans were the other direction? Not once. Have I done the same against Democrats? Or parties in my own country? I don't affiliate myself with any party. Like everything else in life, I vote for the lesser of the 2 evils. No one is perfect, not Biden, not Trump, not the government... not me, and not even you. So why throw out conspiracy theories on every single thing?

There are TONS of stuff my "party" does that I don't agree with, and tons of stuff the other party does that I do agree with, And I'm not so insecure in myself that I can't admit that.

My point was to use your brain and decide for yourself, something a lot of people around here can't seem to do. This us vs them mentality is getting ridiculous and making certain individuals look like idiots. It's funny how on here you guys have called Democrats sheeps so many times... but it really seems like certain others who constantly make their decision based on politics are the sheep.
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Premium Subscriber
Ika...... if you can't follow your own political stunts, I sure as h3ll can't paint a picture for ya. All your innocent backpedaling is pure nonsense. You want me to do your research for ya ?? If you can't follow along, maybe you oughta try honing your memory skills..... or your comprehension.

As far as you wanting people to make up their own minds, why are you making all those accusations ?? You don't consider your statements mind bending. Give me a break and just stick to your own silly politics. They're dumber than ours....... or maybe you don't know that and embarrassed to expand on it.


Active Member
You're the one accusing me of doing something, how is it on me to prove I havent done what you've accused me of? The main basis for your Country... "Innocent until proven guilty". It's easy to throw out accusations without backing them up, isn't it? Tell ya what, I'll put my money where my mouth is. Show me where I constantly bring up hitler (Maybe I have once in the past, I don't think I have but Who knows. Even then, using it once isn't "constantly bringing it up"), Show me where I go against someone just because of their political party.... Canadian, or American - Spend the 5 minutes it should take for you to prove it. If I am what you say I am, I'll delete my account and you'll never have to hear from me again. That should be more than enough motivation for you to do the "research" for me.

But you wont, because you can't - You're the biggest anti-democrat on here - You hate people just because of their political affiliation. Hell, I've become pretty convinced you don't like me because I'm Canadian and my opinion doesn't matter to you, Although I'm sure if I was pro trump you'd have no issues with me speaking my mind.

I don't know if you genuinely believe what you're saying, or you're so delusional you're starting to believe your own crap. Either way, I beg you - Yes... do the research for me, what do you have to lose, 10 minutes of your time?


Very Active Signmaker
Ikarasu, Gino doesn't hate people because of their political stance. There are a ton of people on here that do... and it's stupid. But he is a tiny bit smarter than that. Just a little....


Premium Subscriber
Ika, I figured it out. You have reading and comprehension problems. You tend to read certain words and form new meanings and sentences from them and create new scenarios. Then, on top of that, you can't remember it, let alone what you said. Oh yeah, you tend to think this is always about you. You have the abitity to think it's way more about you, then it is. You're not the center of attention, ika. Just part of a silly stupid conversation. Get over yourself. You'll like life in general, much more.

You debate, like a 6 year old. I never said YOU brought up Hitler all the time, but that HIS name continuously comes up in threads. It's an easy excuse to use when one has no idea of what they wanna say. I don't hate you, canadians or democrats. What I cannot tolerate is/are lazy people no matter where their feet are planted. However, I thought I used to hate telemarketers, but I don't anymore. The new form of spammers is worse, but I have my ways of dealing with them.

You go on making sh!t up and make yourself feel good by knowing what I REALLY mean all the time and I'll just play along. Afterall, it must be your sandbox, since you're so good at analyzing me and all the other wrong people here.
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Arial - it's almost helvetica
I'm going to buy the new VW electric buses when it comes out, that will be my first venture into the EV world. I'll keep my truck at work and use this thing to go to and from the shop.
A friend of mine is a diehard electric car guy. He has a few Tesla's and is always buying and selling them. He also had some ugly BMW. He swears by them.


Premium Subscriber
So, once I instal a 240 charging station, the more expensive vehicle and the higher insurance, I'll be set. So, in order to save money, I hafta put out close to double under normal conditions ?? Yeah, dat sounds logical.


Active Member
I think having a EV truck and a shop with solar panels (and maybe battery storage) will be the way to go. But for now it isn't practical since I don't own my shop space and EV trucks are too rare.
I did get solar at home last year and may consider a EV car if the production from the panels is large enough.