Hey Colin.Glad to hear you got the 54".
So what problems are you having weeding?
I'm sure you're giving the print some dry time before you try weeding.
Is the cut not deep enough?
Is it miss cutting some places?
What degree blade are you using?
The decal simply won't stay down on the backing like it should.
I now put a cut box around such elements and don't even weed them. Apply the box lightly and weed out the negative during install.
If your cuts aren't going deep enough on laminated material, you might also want to consider adjusting your blade depth... not just maxing out the pressure.
If I'm reading you right, you have to hold the image/text down while you're pulling the weed off?
If that's so, it still sounds like the cut isn't clean or it's not finishing the cut 100% when the knife stop and rotates when going another direction.
How old is your media?
Maybe pull the weed part off real slow and see if the adhesive is stringy to a point it's letting the two pieces stick together.
Or do a power weed where you just grab it pull as fast as you can.
Are you contour cutting right to the edge of the printed area?
Are dark colors vs. light colors giving you more trouble?
Is it somewhat intricate cuts?
Do you have a problem when cutting... well, weeding the media if you haven't printed anything ??
You can call for samples or sample rolls.
Samples are usually large enough to print and do some testing while sample rolls are very inexpensive and do just what they say.... sample media. It's a very good way to try various products to see which works best with your machine.
Out of curiosity, what made you go with LG?
Is it the air release type?
Nope. That'll be the newer stuff that comes out soon. The site says that it should be out now, but it isn't (not here in Canada anyways). Is it out in the States?