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What font pops in your head for this?


New Member
I'm having a hard time picking a font for a logo/sign. It's for a bakery called "Doughlicious". I'm thinking something fat, scripty and fun, kind of like Candice, but I don't like that one.

Anything come to mind? Not asking for anyone to go to any trouble, but if something pops into your brain, please share! I'm going crazy on this one!

Thank you!


New Member
Hmmm... Cooper is fat, but I'm really wanting a script.

Murray Hill is nice but too thin and fancy for this.

I'll have to look up Puff Daddy.

Here's what I did with Candice, but like I said, I really don't like it. But it is kind of the type of look I'm going for.


  • Doughlicious.jpg
    43.3 KB · Views: 69


General Know-it-all
How about something like flash with a "Doughy" ouline? None of my scripts are legible enough with a word that long.:Big Laugh


  • dough copy.jpg
    dough copy.jpg
    26.3 KB · Views: 79


New Member
Thanks, guys! I think I decided on Motherlode. Cool font!

Here's where I am so far. Not finished yet - it needs some desserts or something. Any suggestions?


New Member
Is there any chance you can split the word like this Dough-Licious. I think it reads much easier than one long strange word....

Never mind. Your image wasn't there when I posted mine. The split helps.


New Member
Here's the first draft but the scale of the sign changed so I decided to change the layout totally to the one in the above post.

I'm afraid she is going to insist on the girl image. But I can't fit her in the new layout; at least not large enough to see what she is. I was thinking about a plate of different desserts on the above layout? I don't know! I'm stuck!