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What is this application called?


New Member
Hi Newbie needs some advice. I want to make signs that are on wood with an image of scrapbook paper that has been super imposed on to the wood then vinyl lettering on top of it. What is this called and what kind of machine does it. I know there is a machine that does this just can not think of what it is called and who I would contact to give me prices? :help: Thanks Terollee


New Member
I'm not sure I follow what your trying to do. Sounds like you could print your image and letters on vinyl, then adhere that to properly prepped wood, considering the wood is adequate to allow vinyl. What wood are using? How are you adhering your image? What are you refering to when you say "image of scrap book paper super imposed".

Sorry for the questions, maybe a little more info can narrow down the choices.



New Member
laser engraving and then laser foil !

Do it all the time !


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New Member
Sorry I knew I wasnt making sense, I would like to take a color picture and have it applied, I dont know if this is the right word, to a wooden board (MDF) then put a vinyl qoute over the top. If you have been into a scrapbook store lately there are tons of different colored papers to choose from. It almost looks like it is painted on only I think it is a heat applied process. The machine can do any colored picture and then go over again to darken colors until it is the way you want it. Does this sound familiar to any one? Terollee


Premium Subscriber
Welcome from PA

Take some pictures and post them of what you're talking about.


New Member
Sorry I knew I wasnt making sense, I would like to take a color picture and have it applied, I dont know if this is the right word, to a wooden board (MDF) then put a vinyl qoute over the top. If you have been into a scrapbook store lately there are tons of different colored papers to choose from. It almost looks like it is painted on only I think it is a heat applied process. The machine can do any colored picture and then go over again to darken colors until it is the way you want it. Does this sound familiar to any one? Terollee

no, your not making sense still...

...when most people say "take a color picture ", the word "take" means the act of photographing, the word "picture" means a photo, (& in this case it would be a color photo)

...but when you say take a color picture", you mean what?
Something to do with colored paper at the scrapbook store?

when you say "The machine can do any colored picture " ...I guess "the machine" is part of what you don't know... but it's not a camera, & not a regular desktop printer hooked up to a computer?

so far the closest thing I think it sounds like is that old 70's hobby called decoupage


New Member
Okay I have you all stumped! As soon as I find out the process that I am trying to get a name for I will let you know. Thanks for all your help. I understand that this machine can take a picture of a picture ,scan it ,then put the image of the picture or what ever is scaned into it and transfer it on to material, wood, poster board, etc. It is probably what alot of you guys do every day except I want to use a different meduim (wood) and scrapbook paper. I know that the scrapbook people will not know what I am talking about either. I will try and get a picture of the signs I want to make.