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What is wrong with the State of Florida?

Pat Whatley

New Member
Thanks to Alabama's new "We Hate Them Mexicans" law when I tried to buy tags in October it took four trips and a screaming hissy fit to get them. Every time I went they'd come up with something else I needed. The only reason I managed to get them the last time was because it was after closing time and I refused to leave without the tags. There was still a crowd of pissed off people in the lobby when I left, the security guard said its been like that all year long.


New Member


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The Big Squeegee

Long Time Member
In this day and age of computer records, you would think that authendicating records would be more efficent and accurate then expecting the individual to reproduce the records that the goverment already has.

An existising ID that is expiring is in the data base already. It is beyond me why they expect proof of information they have on file. A faked ID and related information is not in the system.

Perhaps the problem is in the "mafia" part of government. That is, having to pay for something to meet government policy. The solution would be to make government pay for anything that is required to meet policy. Then it would be less expensive to keep better records in the government to inforce that policy then to expect it from individuals.

But then, government isn't about saving money, is it?


New Member
I do all my renewal stuff online. I did my license a few months ago...just gave them a credit card number. New trailer, online, new truck, online. I haven't gone into the DMV in YEARS. Just once every eight years I have to go in to get a new photo taken. So that gives me four years to gain weight, and four to lose it.


Art! Hot and fresh.
That is alright there Fred, that is just them being anal retentive ... when I moved from Florida to Texas, they got my name wrong ... went from Brian to Brain ... spent 2 years with Brain on my drivers liscense because they couldn't find the original paperwork showing I spelt my name correctly on the form or that in order to change it without an error correction from when it was issued (even though I gave them my florida drivers liscense with the correct name as well) I needed to have my name legally changed from brian to brian THEN get my card fixed.

It's alright ... I spent 2 years being a registered super hero ... THE BRAIN!

Arlo Kalon 2.0

New Member
This is definitely OT, but I was amazed by a documentary I watched the other day about pain clinics in Florida. Over thirty of the top 50 OxyContin prescribing doctors in the U.S. are in Broward County, FL. People come to FL from all over the country to these walk-in clinics to get scripts for the pharmaceutically produced heroin - which is exactly what OxyContin is. It's an all cash business. The problem is FL doesn't maintain any prescription database to track people receiving narcotic scripts. The show had one guy who went to multiple clinics in one day and ended up with thousands of pills. It's an unbelievable situation, especially with all the out of state traffic to these clinics. FL also leads the nation in prescription overdose deaths... gee, I wonder why? I get a script for OxyContin every month. I can only see one doctor for it and use the same pharmacy every time. If I tried doctor shopping on even a tenth the scale it goes on in FL I would be busted the same week and go to jail. OxyContin is a remarkable drug for people like me who have chronic pain on a constant basis. It's an easy drug to become addicted to - which is why mine is locked in a safe only my wife can open to dispense them to me. After watching that show, I fantasized about gassing up the motorhome and heading to FL. Surely someday this situation will have to change. The show revealed how the dosage of pills I receive sell for $50 apiece on the street - there's my gas money right there! Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Mike F

New Member
In Jersey it's every 4 years. We have a little local DMV branch in my town so I'm usually in and out within a half hour so, generally don't have much of a hassle.