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What is wrong with you people in Florida ?


New Member
Wow really. If you were born here as a few of us are. You would know that Miami is populated with mostly Haitians and Cubans. As a matter of fact, we call Miami 'Little Cuba". Eating and attacking are two different things. You have never been in hand to hand combat and biting is the first thing you do to your attacker. Being a Vietnam Veteran...been there done that. Really,if your teeth are your only weapon, that's what you use.
Appears you have a real problem with Floridians for some reason. What, I don't know. Some guy from Florida marry your sister before you could? Georgia, really? Next time just report the story and keep "We People" from Florida out of it. When the whole story is revealed, I'm thinking it was a Florida State/Georgia fans having at it.
You do not recognize sarcasim like everyone else here, Fred recognized it.
I grew up in Florida .
Panama City , New Smyrna / Daytona .
My sister and her husband still live in Jacksonville.
I was just making fun of the headline that mentioned Miami.
It is one of those strange news stories, If it had been New York Or Arizona in the headline I probably ask about those residents being crazy .
About me and my sister comment...
You seem to be projecting :help

Take a chill pill and take it with a grain of salt !



Premium Subscriber
Hey guys, settle down. No one's after you.... yet, but if you get outta hand we'll send Piranha Man after your a$$.

d fleming

New Member
These are at local Walmarts now. Better get stocked up!


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Premium Subscriber
Maybe he thought the other guy had some 'Pink Slime' and got hungry...............

It could happen............

Mike F

New Member
What? ...."potent" LSD?

...as opposed to?
Isn't LSD a substance who's properties are already set, by nature of its classification as LSD... and unless an entirely different substance is being discussed, potency is simply a matter of dilution... or lack thereof...

If anything, I would suspect any of a wide range of chemical substances that are far less well studied... I think LSD has never been more potent then when it was still legal and being tested on mental health patients (and a select few beatniks volunteering to assist with testing for pay... Including best selling author Ken Kesey, who wrote "One flew over the cookoo's nest" under the influence, and during his employment as night watchman in the same mental health facility that provided him the "medicine) ...so, it's a ludicrous stretch to make a connection between the aforementioned abomination, and a defined chemical compound with extensive research showing a far more peaceful behavioral response!

My money's on PCP....

It was the brown acid.

Neil Young - Live Rust reference?


New Member
According to the article I read it was bath salts and bath salts are banned in 37 states. Whats been happening is they ban a certain chemical that's in the bath salts then chemists slightly change the chemical into something else and voila its legal to sell again for a few months/years then the cycle repeats.


New Member
I read that it wasn't LSD at all. He was ingesting "bath salts" which are a synthetic speed available OTC in some areas. Sad.

interesting.. but I already knew (from years of experiences... my friends experiences) that it wasn't LSD...

I haven't followed the story to hear more recent reports... I was just taking issue with the ill-informed editorializing of some cop in the original story posted by the OP:

Authorities suspect the face-chomping madman may have been using a new, potent type of LSD.


New Member
“We have seen, already, three or four cases that are exactly like this

//// Update ?////
Well, you guys finally understand how hard the South Beach diet is...


We now know the name of the man who tried to eat another man’s face off on a Miami causeway. What we still don’t know is why he did it.
The Miami-Dade County medical examiner has identified the attacker as Rudy Eugene, 31, according to CBS Miami.


mark galoob

New Member
so if you continue following this story, you will see that this is not the only case. there have been other cases of people attacking other people with their teeth like this...aparantly its the bath salt "virus". so yup im thinking florida is ground zero for teotwawki...and i feel fine...

mark galoob


New Member
Hey Tony....it sounds like the Chinese sent an inferior product over to CANADA.
I really thought the warnings that my kids have been giving me about ZOMBIES came true.


New Member
Update :
Miami Cannibal Attack: Horrific Dangers of "Bath Salts" Drug
The New LSD, But More Dangerous

Banned in several states, bath salts contain amphetamine-like chemicals that have uniquely hazardous effects on the brain. “If you take the worst attributes of meth, coke, PCP, LSD and Ecstasy and put them together, that’s what we’re seeing sometimes,” Mark Ryan, director of the Louisiana Poison Center, told The New York Times.

The synthetic, designer drug is deemed an “imminent threat to public safety” by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). While bath salts themselves are not yet illegal on the federal level, the DEA issued a one-year ban on possession and sale of the three main ingredients—mephedrone, MDPV


.../Physiological effects include high blood pressure and increased heart rate, according to a report by WebMD. According to a CDC report of bath salt abusers in Michigan, users risk both psychological side effects and physical side effects.

In fact, according to Huffington Post:

91 percent of users had neurological damage
77 percent experienced cardiovascular damage
49 percent had psychological difficulties associated with the drug
37 percent of the people who suffered mental health problems reported attempting suicide or having suicidal thoughts related to bath salts

/// a problem that fixes itself.
Take the drug and it will kill you.
Too bad other people are getting hurt before they die


New Member
I don't see what the 'draw' is to take drugs. Too much fun to be had in life without going down that regrettable road.

Filet Mignon or Fillet De Facé .... the choice is yours.