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Where can I buy an original Big Squeegee brand laminator tool?

The Big Squeegee

Long Time Member
Sorry, this is the first time I have seen this thread.
I still have some inventory left of the tools listed on ramination.com. However, the stock is very low and likely to not be continued.. I have notified the distributors that I will no longer offer discounts. Most of them were dropshipping them anyway so I can't imagine how successful anyone would be at looking for them at the distributor level.
The reason for the discontinueing the tools is for a few reasons.
1. I have moved to California and have limited space to work on them and I had to leave a lot of stuff behind.
2. I have not made a salery from selling the tools in the last 6 years. My marketing skills are not what they need to be to keep going so sales have always been slow. The Big Squeegee is still the best kept secret in the industry. Sales trickle in at a steady rate but not enough to get any profit from it.
3. I'm aproching my 70th birthday and I want to retire. I will keep replacement parts on the website until someone takes it over. Any offers?
4. I had changed the design to extrude a more robust tool. The extruding company I was using, was operating his machines beyond what the machines were capable of so, the extrusions were inconsistant and were limited as to what it could do. It was hard to find an application edge that was straight enough to laminate or mount for more than 26 inches. Reinforcing the tools made it possible to add a straght edge to the tools while making the tools more robust. The new design would be with a new extruding company that is much more experienced and will make the tools 3 times the thickness while holding a straight edge. As I have said, I want to retire. Investing $35,000 in the new tool is not very attracttive to me.

Connie Fry

New Member
I have a 26" big squeegee the same as the one you have pictured. It is like new because I bought a laminator. I think I paid about $60 for it but will sell for $30 plus shipping. Let me know if you are interested.


New Member
I have a 26" big squeegee the same as the one you have pictured. It is like new because I bought a laminator. I think I paid about $60 for it but will sell for $30 plus shipping. Let me know if you are interested.
Connie Fry it's a tad smaller than the size I was looking for but I am interested depending on your location along with shipping cost and how quick it could get to me as I am in desperate need to lay laminate on some prints for someone. I would be willing to cover costs to CNY. Please lmk as soon as you can. Thank You So Much!


New Member
Is there anyone willing to sell an original big squeege? I am in desperate need of one right away! Looking for an original design the green plastic one 50". Also looking for other sizes if anyone has any suggestions on how to use a smaller one on wider prints making multiple passes if the squeege you have isn't wide enough (if that makes sense?) In desperate need of either a big squeege or a cheap cold hand crank laminator I can mount to my cutting/masking/laminating table.


New Member
I have a 26" big squeegee the same as the one you have pictured. It is like new because I bought a laminator. I think I paid about $60 for it but will sell for $30 plus shipping. Let me know if you are interested.
Do you still have the 26" ? I am looking for one of these as well.


Pr. Bear-Mon
We have a couple of these sitting in the corner we could part with, a 26 and a 57, the 26 has a cracked corner that we glued, works but I wouldn't beat it up to hard, could sell the 57 and throw in the 26.


The Big Squeegee

Long Time Member
You can find the Big Squeegee at bigsqueegee.com...
ramiation.com (in earlier posts) has been discontinued. squeegeeboss is a variatoin, ( not a very good one) of the tools in bigsqueegee.com


New Member
You can find the Big Squeegee at bigsqueegee.com...
ramiation.com (in earlier posts) has been discontinued. squeegeeboss is a variatoin, ( not a very good one) of the tools in bigsqueegee.com
I picked up a 3 set 26", 33" and a 50" of the Squeegee Boss Big Squeegee at a great price($375 FOR ALL 3). Love these new squeegees, much more durable (1/2" thick PVC) rather than the original 1/4" Big squeegee (discontinued) which unfortunately cracks and snaps easily. I have purchased most of "The Big Squeegee" products including the new aluminum one ($300 +) and these new Squeegee Boss ones are my definitely my daily user and look like the will last too!


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New Member
I know this is an old thread but if anyone is still looking for original big squeegee tools, I have a 64" Large Laminator, 38" Small Laminator, 44" Cradle Tool and 32" Vinyl Tool that I'm not using. I would happily sell all 4 pieces for $150 plus shipping.
