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Where can I get styrofoam letters?


New Member
The letters on my building are deteriorating and I would like to know where I can get the styrofaom to make new letters? These have been up for about 10 years but really only looked good for about 5 years. If there is some other product better to make the letters with it would be cool too. Any suggestions or help will be appreciated. Thanks


Premium Subscriber
Let me get this straight before I do any welcoming stuff...........

You're not a sign shop and want to know where to buy materials to make a sign. Okay...............

You might want to become a sign shop first and learn the ropes first, but until you're really making signs, I see no reason why you should cut your local sign shop out of the picture.

In my opinion, you haven't started off here on the right foot. This is a place for professional sign people of all levels.... not wannabees trying to cut out our fellow sign people in your locale.​


New Member
Let me get this straight before I do any welcoming stuff...........

You're not a sign shop and want to know where to buy materials to make a sign. Okay...............

You might want to become a sign shop first and learn the ropes first, but until you're really making signs, I see no reason why you should cut your local sign shop out of the picture.

In my opinion, you haven't started off here on the right foot. This is a place for professional sign people of all levels.... not wannabees trying to cut out our fellow sign people in your locale.
I wish the people on the forum I visit most (Tintdude) had the same practice for looking out for people in our industry. Admitedly we mostly do tinting but I use a vinyl plotter for lettering and basic signs and banners. While signs are a small part of our business we do make them but we mostly do samller stuff and not something like the styrofoam letters. I originally did the letters on my builing now but I got the materials from a friend of a friend and I no longer can get in touch with them. Not trying to cut anyone out of the local business as I can certainly relate to what you are saying.


New Member
I wish the people on the forum I visit most (Tintdude) had the same practice for looking out for people in our industry.

glad you understand and I think this is the first time I have ever seen a new member come back with a good, common sense response instead of calling us a pack of A'holes! Poly Plastic Forms sells foam letters really cheap and since you do make vinyl graphics and banners, you will most likely qualify as a business that can buy them wholesale.


New Member
Here is what it looked like


  • DSC02762[1].jpg
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New Member
You can also buy the extruded foam (pink or blue) from your local building supplies store. Layout your vinyl letters on the foam and cut out with a jigsaw, scrollsaw, bandsaw or hot wire. A couple coats of latex and done.


Do what SignManiac said... that's what I would do :)


Premium Subscriber
Marlene.... you and me both. I never expected that answer :omg2:

I still think you're out of your league with how you want to go about it. It still would be a good idea to let someone professional do it for you, so you get more mileage out of your purchase, but if you insist...

I've heard of people having great success using Gatorboard for outdoor use of cut-outs, but you really need to prime the livin' daylights out of it and give it ample top coats.

:Oops: welcome from PA......................................


Professional Snow Ninja
Not trying to cut anyone out of the local business as I can certainly relate to what you are saying.

Actually you are. You're not a professional sign maker, yet you want to make your own sign. You admitted that the sign you made didn't look good after a couple years. Why not contact your local sign shop and have them make you a sign/letters that will last well over 10 years?


New Member
The 4X8 sheets of foam they have at Lowe's and Home Depot seems less dense and more flimsy than what I originally worked with. Right now I am on the net checking out Poly Plastic Forms and Gemini.


New Member
Actually you are. You're not a professional sign maker, yet you want to make your own sign. You admitted that the sign you made didn't look good after a couple years. Why not contact your local sign shop and have them make you a sign/letters that will last well over 10 years?
You are right as far as the syrofoam letters go, I am not as adept with the foam as I am with vinyl. The letters in the picture are my first attempt at that type of sign. We used the plotter and some cheap vinyl to cut & use as a template. We used the plotter mostly for vhicle lettering at first that just seemed to expand to storefront lettering clorplast signs, storefront lettering, business hours signs and such. I admitted the sign I made looked good for the first 5 years not 2. I have thought of just doing a massive banner but I like how the foam is dimensional.


Professional Snow Ninja
I have thought of just doing a massive banner but I like how the foam is dimensional.

Then as I stated before, go to a sign professional. Otherwise it's gonna look shoddy (like the one you have does) and unprofessional.

Your local sign shop will be able to give you examples of the materials you SHOULD be using instead of the materials you WANT to use. And it'll be done the right way. Hell, a router and a sheet of painted omega bond would look a thousand times better than "styrofoam" letters.


New Member
Looks like the building needs more than just a sign.
For sure! we are in the process of having some things fixed starting with the paint on the building. I make do with what I have and make the best of it. We have been here for 16 years and just lease the building so I dont want to invest too much in someone else's structure.