found this on my pc... no idea where it came from. Altsys Metamorphosis
Update: Google tells me that Altsys Metamorphosis was a company that made "Fontographer" and a few other Font creation utilities. They also created the product that became Macromedia Freehand... cooL! They made software that was the first to allow regular schmoes to create fonts using bezier editing.
Probably someone with Altsys software re-created Meek's PLAZA and named it Bonnie.
Altsys was a very innovative company out of Texas who created Freehand, Fontographer and Metamorphasis. Metamorphasis was simply a font conversion utility for people who want Fontographer's font conversion features but had no interest in font creation or editing. Altsys wasn't all that keen on the marketing side of things so they contracted out the sales of Freehand to Aldus ... who was doing very well with their Pagemaker product.
What many don't know about Freehand and Fontographer is that they were designed to play well together and using Fontographer was considerably easier with Freehand providing the character glyphs than if you used Adobe Illustrator. Altsys Fontographer had, bar none, the absolute best automatic node cleanup I have ever seen. For whatever reason, that feature was not used in Freehand.
Altsys and Aldus along with Adobe were the "three A's" and had a pretty good alliance going. Together, they were able to get Adobe's PostScript language accepted as the standard for page creation and universal vector file exchanges on Macs and PCs. Then Adobe bought out Aldus and was going to kill the Freehand application because it competed with and was preferred by many over Adobe Illustrator. Altsys sued Adobe and got their Freehand rights fully restored. They then turned around and sold out to Macromedia who tried to make a success of Freehand but allowed Fontographer to wither on the vine and discontinued Metamorphasis.
Ultimately, of course, Adobe bought out Macromedia and neither Fontographer nor Freehand are any longer supported products.