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White Spots in black prints


New Member
Hey Everyone! I’m having some trouble when I’m printing heavy ink prints such as an ALL black background. I notice a lot of white spots, they almost look like they’re glowing or fading on the print. It’s almost like little white “orbs” on my all black prints. Some spots I can tell are because of dust but these seem to be an issue with the print. My print head and nozzles seem to be firing off okay. im not sure if this is something to do with the vinyl or heater settings?

I’m printing using a mutoh 1324x and printing on oracal 3640 matte vinyl. I know that vinyl is lower end, but I don’t have this issue with any other print other than when my graphic has a heavy ink lay down like these all black backgrounds.

I’ve attached photos.

Any help or guidance is highly appreciated!


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I'm here for Educational Purposes
It does look like it's in the vinyl. +1 for contamination or plasticized material

victor bogdanov

Active Member
I had an oracal distributor rep call me a few days ago saying orofal is doing a survey asking about any recent orafol failures or product problems . Though it was odd, maybe they're having some manufacturing issues

DL Signs

Never go against the family
Another +1 on material.
Fish-eyes like that normally happen when either the material is contaminated, or a quality issue in the coating.
Contact your supplier.


New Member
Wipe off an area with alcohol and see if it prints without those spots. That will tell you right away if it contaminated with plasticizer coming to the surface.


New Member
Thanks everyone for the help! It appears you were correct on the media contamination. I tried the alcohol as dypinc mentioned, and seemed to be the issue. I bought this from GSG and they reached out to Orafol and they're overnighting a new roll today and requested that I send this current roll in for testing. Thanks everyone for the help!