There's goes that irritating gnat again..............

Anyway, you might not be capable of wholesaling on a large scale, but try touching base with other shops in your local vicinity and give them some really good pricing, but explain the rules to them. You don't do anything but print their files. Something wrong, it's their fault. If they want you to do extra work besides printing or cutting, they pay... and of course at a wholesale price.
Is it easier than retail ??
Perhaps. It all depends on how bad your retail is, because there are quite a few people in this business that don't know a whole lot more than some of your retail customers... so it could be the same thing.
For instance, how many threads and posts do you see here in a week's time of how to do this and how to do that ?? There is your answer in a nutshell.
We have been wholesaling to our local area for almost 16 years. Granted, most of them now have their own printers, but we still get an average of about 10 a month. They're generally not very large jobs, but they're easy money.
A Spanish dude was just in here Wednesday. Wanted me to print out his picture of bottles of beer in a wooden bucket for a local Spanish bar. I asked him if he had a file or a CD with this stuff on it. He said... no, you can print right from this paper. I informed him...
NO, I CAN'T... I need a file on a CD or whatever. If you want me to put this together, I can't because you broke the law by putting all those different labeled bottles of beer on there. I can't do that. He said Okay... Okay.... I'll be back. He came in yesterday with a bunch of blank beer bottles on a disc and we'll print the whole thing out for him and contourcut it for him probably Monday. Cost to him is 2 prints 15" x 17" full color... $185.00 cash. no credit card-no checkie. Just cash.
You could do that, too. That will take us about 15 minutes all total to do.
That's a totally different price scale than what we give here to s101-ers.
I look at it this way.... I can price a job out and if all these guys come to me for printing and stuff, I have more chances of landing the job. Can't tell you how many times that happens. It will never happen here on s101, because we're all too far apart, but it could happen.
So, don't let some annoying gnat bother you and tell you something he knows nothing about.