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Wholesale Photopolymer Sign Vendor


New Member
Does anyone know of a good wholesale vendor to use for raised photopolymer ADA plaques? I have a job that is specifically requesting them for part of their sign package and no one in my area uses this process. We typically do engraver stock and raster braille but they have specially said they wont accept that style of plaque.


Oh god, just tell them that you'll have to outsource, any corrections will cost big bucks, and offer a sample for them to consider against a photopolymer of their own.
Aside from trying to get past this requirement that I hate (I blame the photopolymer lobbyists), Howard Industries does good work.


New Member
Oh god, just tell them that you'll have to outsource, any corrections will cost big bucks, and offer a sample for them to consider against a photopolymer of their own.
Aside from trying to get past this requirement that I hate (I blame the photopolymer lobbyists), Howard Industries does good work.
I tried that, they are committed for whatever reason. I'll look into Howard industries, thanks!


New Member
Oh god, just tell them that you'll have to outsource, any corrections will cost big bucks, and offer a sample for them to consider against a photopolymer of their own.
Aside from trying to get past this requirement that I hate (I blame the photopolymer lobbyists), Howard Industries does good work.
Just FYI I reached out to Howard industries and they said they don't use photopolymer

Johnny Best

Active Member
When you use photopolymer it is required that the braille dots are domed on the top and not flat, The ADA Signlady passed that in CA years abo, Since I use a single source metal hylade lamp and positive on top of photopolymer it was not worth my time to try to get the dots to create a dome and my dots were always flat, I stopped making them, Used a screen and squeegee to tip the color on the letters, Sorry canʼt help who I bought the material from because it was many years ago.