People need to get back to work!
I talked to an old co-worker last week and praise the Lord I quit there! I almost died just listening to what a snowflake he was. He was not looking forward to actually having to go back to the office and "work" now vs. working from home. His excuse for not wanting to go back was his 2 year old is in daycare and he didn't want to bring the virus to work so he stayed home. Another girl's boyfriend works at a prison guard, same story, she was just protecting the other workers. He had a million stories of my old co-workers. Good luck getting these people to come back and be as productive as they were before - and the ones on unemployment. They've been on vacation for a year!
I discuss this often with a large client
Do you think the employees, who don’t work, when you are watching them, suddenly develop a work ethic,
When they work from home?
We have a purchasing agent, at this client. Every day, I get a notice from Cisco firepower, that he is violating policy, watching movies on his phone. Now, I don’t pay him, so I passed the info along TWICE. his father is a VP, so it gets ignored
Question: if his day WORKING IN THE OFFICE, involves watching movies, what about the two days he “works from home”?
Multiply this by 100 or 150 employees