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Wild Turkey


New Member
So this guy has been bouncing through the yard the past few days...


Sadly, my security dog hasn't been able to exorcise her from the neighborhood, yet.


ummmmmmmm, I know Sophie's ninja-like stealth for hiding in the open like that maybe a hindrance. For those, like the turkey, that can't see her, I've indicated her location in this photo:


You'd think with the "Clint Eastwood" squint and quiet bravado the Turkey would be fearing an early Thanksgiving.




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Premium Subscriber
That's a young one. we have abut 25 or so roaming around our property almost all day and night long. Very late, they go back into the woods and roost.

Tell Sophie to be careful. They have very strong legs and long talons and could cut her in half in a jiffy. After they hatch, we generally have an additional 12 to 18 running around in the summer.


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New Member
That's a young one. we have abut 25 or so roaming around our property almost all day and night long. Very late, they go back into the woods and roost.

Tell Sophie to be careful. They have very strong legs and long talons and could cut her in half in a jiffy.

Yeah, for the most part, Sophie is pretty good about avoiding stuff like that. It's, Murph, our big dog (sic) that's bound to do something stupid.


There's a flock that hangs out about 1/4 mile from here where it's more heavily forested. We're trying to figure out how to encourage this bird to head back to the nest, so to speak.



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Premium Subscriber
Call the Game Warden.

They [the other turkeys]generally don't run off a young Tom like that. Anyway, not until his beard is a few inches long and he starts trouble........ ;0)


New Member
You can put trebble hooks on a 4 by 8 sign board and catch birds just like that in case the world ends in december . Put some corn or bread scraps on the sign board . get a coyote call if you have enough chix in the freezer .

Sticky Signs

New Member
Man, all i get in my yard are these things. Sorry for the crappy pic, but's it's hard to get a good shot of a black bear at night.


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New Member
If you put a big hook with an apple up in a tree dangling down you can hook a deer or a bear for food in case the world ends in december.


New Member
Man, all i get in my yard are these things. Sorry for the crappy pic, but's it's hard to get a good shot of a black bear at night.

Riiiiiiiiight. It looks like my dog. I had to circle her so people could see her, too. LOL

@ btropical --- and no comments about dangling a milkbone from a hook...

Red Ball

Seasoned Citizen
Vid, cute dogs. Sophie looks to be the same size as our Ira. Approx. 12 lbs. In my avatar picture Ira is standing on his back legs leaning on my knee licking the air in excitement. "Get the ball dad!"


New Member
Vid, cute dogs. Sophie looks to be the same size as our Ira. Approx. 12 lbs. In my avatar picture Ira is standing on his back legs leaning on my knee licking the air in excitement. "Get the ball dad!"

Sophie and Murph would come close to matching your dog's weight. Sophie (Maltese/Yorkie) is ankle sized and tips the scale at a touch over 5#. The big dog, Murph (Poodle/Something), can stretch to the knee and hauls it in at a smidge over 6#... LOL

I Love Ira's tongue in the picture! Lhaso Apso?